"Shut up, don't be a nerd," said Sun.

"Upupupup! Intellectual, okay? Thank you," said the Blue-haired boy.

"I'm Neptune," Said Neptune.

"So, Neptune; where are you from?" Asked Weiss.

"Haven. I don't believe I've caught your name yet," said Neptune. "I'm Weiss," Weiss responded solemnly.

"I never took you as the board-game-playing type," Sun said to Blake. "Right.. well, I think I'm done playing, actually," Blake stated as she rises from her chair and heads off to the exit. Y/N furrowed his brow while keeping his eyes on Blake, noticing something off about her.

Meanwhile with Blake

Blake was sitting on top of her bed, holding her knees to her chest and thinking about the other night. She gets a flashback from the night where she talked to Ozpin.

"Well.. this has certainly been an eventful evening," said Ozpin as he sits down in front of Blake. "I'm sure that after a night of thwarting attempted robbery you probably just want to go home and take a nap, but.. I was hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk," Ozpin rests his cane. "Of course," Blake responded.

"Wonderful! As you know in order to enroll at my academy students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. Most applicants spend years of prepariation training at one of the many combat schools around the world, you are one of the few who did not-" said Ozpin as he drinks his cup.

"-and you passed the exam with flying colours," Ozpin continued. "I was raised outside the kingdoms, you've got to fight to survive," Blake stated. "Well you have most certainly survived, Blake. I admire your drive, and I am proud to run a school that accepts individuals from all walks of life," Ozpin said.

"Rich, Poor, Human.." Ozpin takes a sip from his cup and finishes his sentence "Faunus." Blake perked up when she heard this.

"Why do you wear that bow, Blake? Why hide who you are?" Ozpin questioned. "You may be willing to accept the Faunus, Professor Ozpin; but your species don't. I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am," said Blake.

"And what are you?" Ozpin asked.

"I.. don't understand your question, sir," said Blake. "How did you know the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?" Ozpin asked.

"I didn't. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time," said Blake. "You wouldn't have been the first. But what happened tonight was not an isolated incident. I may be your Headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman.. and it is my sworn duty to protect the world from the forces that conspire against it," said Ozpin.

"Blake.. are you sure there is nothing else to tell me?" Professor Ozpin asked.

"I'm sure," said Blake as she glares at Ozpin.

"Very well, now if you'll excuse me.. there is another troubled student I must attend to. Have a good night, Ms. Belladonna," said Ozpin as he leaves the room.

Blake sat in the quietness of the room and she hears the door beside her room opening, she walks closer to the wall to get a better hearing position.

"My my Mr. Y/N.. you have caused quite the trouble,"

"I'm known for it," Y/N sat in his chair, legs on the table. "Why did you kill those men?" Ozpin asked. "For fucks sake, Ozpin-" Said Y/N.

"I understand that you would want to hurt someone that had hurt you before, but you could do better than that, Y/N," said Ozpin. "Don't lecture me, old man," Y/N pulls out his cigar, only for Ozpin to hit it away with his cane.

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