"daddy!" joonsu said ending the silent as he ran to changbin who picked him up.

changbin walked up sending a glare to johnny who smiled "can i help you?" changbin said directly to johnny.

"binnie this is johnny, johnny this is-"

"the father of his children." changbin finished the sentence keeping his strong glare on johnny. johnny nodded and smiled "i see i'm sure you know what felix has been through and if anything im more than happy for him, for you both."

changbin nodded looking at felix noticing a glint of sadness. "well i should get going, congratulations on this beautiful family. take good care of them." johnny said patting changbins back as he waved at felix before leaving. changbin held onto felix hand giving him a reassuring smile.

per joonsus request they picked up his favorite dairy free cookies, called chan who agreed to go over, and picked up dori from minho and jisungs as they went over to the hwangs house.

changbin tapped his fingers on the counter anxiously as he stared at seungmin who shook his head "give him a few more minutes." seungmin replied as he watched changbin grow even more frustrated.

it didn't take long before changbin handed insu over to seungmin and walked out into the backyard where felix had been from the moment they areived.

he quietly sat down next to felix staring at the same spot he was staring. felix noticed his presence and gave him a small smile which made changbin return it and put one arm around felix pulling him closer to him.

"i know your upset and it's all because of johnny, trust me if you tell me what he did i will call my lawyers, the city-"

"he didn't do anything, if anything im the one that probably hurt him." felix spoke as he held onto changbins hand trying to calm him down. "why do say that?"

felix took a deep breath "because what's more messed up than me holding our baby, our healthy baby right infront of him. i failed him. i failed with him and now that i have insu it feels like im rubbing it in his face."

"baby you didn't fail. you keep on saying that you failed and that you wanted to succeed but that's a situation that you didn't have in your hands." changbin said against felix soft hair.

"i did fail. i failed to give him a baby, because it was my fault i put my body into that much stress. i made him feel guilty when we were both vulnerable. iseul was supposed to be here, but i failed to keep him alive. i failed to bring into this world safely." felix said biting his lip to try and prevent the tears from falling.

changbin took a deep breath in as he tried to calmly explain his thoughts "i have no say in what or how it happened between you and johnny. i know that you were both young and i now know about how extreme your mood swings get, it's not that i'm blaming either of you. neither of you are at fault, it was a situation that could have happened to anyone and it does.

sadly not many make it but it doesn't mean you failed. there are reasons, reasons as to why these type of things happen. you keep saying you fail and no matter how much i tell you you haven't or anything i tell you, you won't see it like that until you yourself accept it.

when i lost my father i felt lost, upset, anger and probably every emotion out there. it was difficult but i knew there was a reason why it had happened. sure enough if i hadn't been forced to take after my father that same year we would have lost all his lifelong work in a matter of months.

when i lost junho, i felt useless. i felt like the most useless human on this planet. all i could do was watch him get ill and more ill by the seconds.

however not once did i feel like i failed. i didn't fail because even if there was nothing i could physically do i did everything i could. i know you did to. you did everything in you could to save iseul. you succeeded by continuing to live your life for him.

to me you have never failed, you've succeeded with iseul, your career, joonie, insu and most importantly melting my heart that i didn't think i had anymore."

changbin held felix closer as he wiped the tears that had flown. felix leaned over and gave him a soft kiss "i think what you said was right." felix said once he pulled away going to sit how they were. changbin tilted his head "what?"

"remember when you said it seemed like junho brought me to you and joonsu?"

changbin smiled remembering and hummed. "i'm also positive iseul brought me to you."

"and im sure junho is taking care of iseul that same way you take care of joonie. but they gave us insu, and there you have succeeded as you say." changbin said as he used his free hand to reach into the pocket of him jacket.

once changbin felt the ring he grabbed felix hand turning to face him. "marry me?"



i suck at writing proposals lol they're either way to blunt or way to sappy.

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