03. dumbass with a gun

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( ! dumbass with a gun ! )

MARLEY STARED AT the money and gun that were sitting in the safe

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MARLEY STARED AT the money and gun that were sitting in the safe. She had no clue who it belonged to, and a part of her didn't want to know. "Holy shit JB..." John B looked at the girl, just as shocked as she was. Whatever he had been expecting, this wasn't that. "Uh... JJ?" John B turned his attention to the boy, who continued to talk to himself until he was addressed. JJ looked at the boy, "Hm?"

"You're gonna want to see this." John B said, which caused JJ to move over to where the other two were. "Dude, dude, dude!" JJ gasped as he grabbed the gun, which made John B freak out about him grabbing the gun. "You grabbed the gun. Put the gun back, JJ!" JJ smiled. "This is a SIG Sauer," Marley raised her brows in question as to how he knew that.

"This is a fucking spendy gatt, man. Just... Bam! Bam!" JJ pretended to shoot around as Marley rolled her eyes and tried to hold back a smile. John B grabbed JJ, facing the brunette towards him. "We are not stealing anything."

JJ turned to Marley, hoping she'd listen, "Just take a pic of me. Right here." He posed for her, and the girl looked at him confused, "You seriously want to make you your own incriminating evidence? Is that what you're talking about by me taking a picture of you? Cause I'll do it––"

Before she could fully pull her phone out, John B shushed the duo and walked towards the window. John B then ran to another window before returning to the two. "Cops." A knock came on the door, and the three immediately began doing different things. JJ pocketed the gun and some cash before closing the safe again. John B headed towards the window, facing their friends, to try to open it, while Marley looked under the beds to see if they could fit.

John B opened the window and ushered JJ out. JJ moved to the window, followed by John B. JJ looked back inside, "Marley, come on!" The girl slipped through the window and shut it right before the cops came in. JJ pulled the girl towards him and put his finger up to his lips to keep the other two quiet. Marley felt JJ wrap his arm around her waist to steady her and comfort the girl as John B peeked through the window at the cops.

The three turned to look at Pope and Kie to see Pope flailing his arms at them while Kie looked at them with a what the fuck look on her face. John B put his finger to his lips to tell them to be quiet, JJ began giggling before doing the same, and Marley just turned back towards the wall, trying to get as far from the edge as possible.

Marley and John B looked through the opening of the blinds to see Deputy Shoupe holding money up and smiling. Marley turned to John B, shocked as JJ mouthed "what the fuck" behind her. JJ then, for some reason, went to pull the gun out of his pants, which quickly fell and made a shit ton of noise. Marley silently cussed to herself before feeling JJ pull her closer to his body.

She forgot all about how she felt about him at the moment and closed any gap between their bodies in order not to be seen. She could feel the tension as she saw Shoupe looking around from the window. Pope and Kie had started acting like random kids while John B, Marley, and JJ held their breaths.

MARLEY JEEN ━━ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now