"Sir Alpha Creed, I have an agreement with Alpha Richards. My daughter will be mated to Alpha Richards, it has been decided since she was a baby." My father spoke, Alpha Creed did not say a word and my father took that as an opportunity to continue to speak. I frowned at his lie, why would he risk telling the Demon Alpha false information. When I was a baby, my parents wanted nothing to do with me, it was only when I was sixteen that they must have planned the alliance.

I stared at Alpha Shields and he narrowed his eyes at me, clenching his fists at his side. Automatically, he blamed me now for this confrontation with the Demon Alpha.

"Did I give you permission to speak to me?" The Demon Alpha asked rhetorically. Alpha Shields swallowed hard and opened his mouth to continue talking. He completely ignored The Demon Alpha... was he challenging his authority?

"Her wolf has not spoken to her, she has never shifted. She will never shift. My daughter is no use to you as mate and therefore has to marry Alpha Richards!"

My father was a complete idiot, did he not know how mates worked? They were meant to accept their other half no matter what. He was trying to tell the Demon Alpha of my weakness but it backfired.

"BULLSHIT!" The Demon Alpha roared, I jumped at the sound of his voice."I can sense her wolf, she is of use to me. She is my mate!"

Of course, the Demon alpha saw through my father's lie, it was an idiotic move for my father to lie to a ruthless man. As I thought hard, my heart hammered, what did he mean he could sense my wolf? Did he have some sort of power that no other Alpha had?

"How dare you try to deprive me of my mate!" Alpha creed snapped. I watched in horror as he lurched forward, his arm unwrapping my waist. He grabbed my father's arm and instantly twisted it at an angle. I heard the sickening crack causing me to scream out in fear. The bone of my father's forearm had poked out of his skin, blood instantly seeping out. My father howled in pain, anger flashing through his eyes. People screamed in fear, Alpha's had a look of astonishment on their faces.

My body shook in raging fear, knowing this was why my mate was named the Demon Alpha, he was ruthless and scary as hell. I couldn't bear to look up at him but I could feel his eyes staring down at me. I could feel his body heaving in anger at the disrespect of someone lower than him. It all happened so quickly, I was grabbed by my father's beta and shielded behind him. My three brothers shifted into their wolves as did Alpha Richards and his beta.

My father unable to shift because of his broken arm that would be healed within the hour, stood tall next to my mother.

"You infernal bastard!" My father spat out. I couldn't see his facial expressions, in fact, I couldn't see anything, I could only hear. My father's Beta was tall and towered over me, preventing me from looking at the Demon Alpha.

I heard multiple vicious snarls at the insult from my father. The snarls must have been from the Demon Alpha's wolves.

"How fucking dare you!" The Demon Alpha bellowed.

I winced at his anger, it was something from a nightmare. Never in my life had I thought something like this would happen.

"Give me my mate, or else I will resort to more than just breaking your goddamn bones!" He threatened darkly.

I tried to get a look over the gap in between the males that stood in front of me but I couldn't see anything. They had purposely hidden me from the Demon Alpha and I just hoped they knew what they were getting themselves into.

"Agree to the alliance and leave!" My Father protested as a few Alphas murmured in agreement.

"Are you deaf?" The Demon Alpha snapped. "I will not agree to this sham of a marriage alliance!"

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