That Boy

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Your POV~

      I was walking down the hallway, heading to my next class when I felt a hand on my head. I didn't even have to look back to know who it was. "'Sup Kirito?" That was the nickname I gave him. His First name is Kirigaya and his last name is Kazuto so if you combine them, you get Kirito! Clever, huh? I spun around and smiled as I faced him. "Hey (Y/n)!" he exclaimed as he patted my head. "Come on, we're gonna be late for class~!" I laughed as I walked faster towards my social studies class. Kirito was right behind me, chuckling.

        As we sat in our seats, the bell rung. We sighed and laughed. Luckily, the teacher had put us right beside each other and told the class that these were our permanent seats for the year. Of course, that was fine with me since I shared a table with Kirito. Today the teacher said that we were watching a video and gave out a note sheet where we had to fill in the blanks. "I hate these~." I mumbled as I picked up my pencil and rested my chin on my hand. "I think everyone does." Kirito chuckled as he did the same motion. The video started and a boring monotone voice filled the room. The teacher shut off the lights, making the room dark. I sat back in my chair and set down my pencil. Just as I was setting it down, my hand rested on something soft and warm. My face grew hot as I realized it was Kirito's hand and jerked it back. "S-sorry!" I whispered to him. 'Why is my face so hot?!' I questioned as I focused back on the video. My eyes grew heavy the same boring voice spoke. I quickly sat up and pinched myself. Kirito's head was resting on the desk, eyes closed. I lightly laughed and poked his cheek with my pencil. He jerked up in his seat and brought his pencil down onto his paper. "Shhhhhhh!" I giggled quietly. Kirito put his hand on the back of his neck and looked back at the video. "Thanks (y/n)!" he whispered back to me. "No problem!" I smiled as I nudged him. Fortunately, the teacher turned the volume up so loud that we were the only ones that could hear each other since we were sitting beside one another.

        After the last bell rung, I exited my homeroom and went to my locker. I put my binders and books into my backpack and zipped it up. I slung it over my shoulder and turned around. I was face to face with Kirito. "DUDE!" I shouted and backed towards the lockers as he laughed his head off. I punched his arm lightly and laughed with him.

       We walked home together, because he lives right next to me, and I waved back at him and closed the door. I went up the stairs and closed the door behind me. I placed my backpack on the floor and sighed as I flopped onto my bed. I pulled out my homework and started finishing problem after problem.

        When I was done with my math homework, I was just about to go down stairs until I heard someone calling my name. I sighed and pull back the curtains from my window. Kirito was waving at me from his house. Our windows from our rooms faced each other so we both had curtains covering them so we wouldn't see each other get undressed or any of that stuff...Anyways, he looked over at me and placed his hand on his neck. "Do you know the answer to question 7 on our homework?" he asked. I sweat dropped and looked over at the paper that was laying on my desk. "x=62." I told him. He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. "Thanks! I got that completely wrong..." "You tried~!" I laughed and imaginarily patted his head. He laughed and tried the other problems. I kept helping him when he got stuck. Which was a lot. I waved bye to him after we were done and closed my curtains again. I sighed and finally went down stairs to get me something to eat. "That boy." I mumbled as I made my way to the kitchen.


Should I make a lemon chapter in this story? I don't know if I ever will or if I want to do that (.////.)...But yeah...comment! 'awkward...'

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