♕ Charlotte Lannister ♕

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Role: The Lamb Among Lions

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Role: The Lamb Among Lions

Name: Charlotte Lannister

Nickname(s): Charlie | Charle | Little Lamb | Little Lion


Gender: Female

Face Claim / Appearance: 

With fair pale skin that gleams nicely under the sun's rays, Charlotte has emerald green eyes and tawny coloured hair just as her ancestors had. The young woman has exactly six freckles on her face, three on her left cheek and three on her right, all being equally symmetrical on her face.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual -Still Questioning though for she is still a virgin and innocent

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Sexual Orientation: Bisexual -Still Questioning though for she is still a virgin and innocent.

Personality: Charlotte is a kind soul, who would rather not hurt anyone. She is more on the side of Chaotic Good and will help out if she deems it a worthy cause, but she is not too good that she is out there risking life and limb to save innocents. The young Lannister is loyal to her family, even though they shelter her, she is not rebellious nor does she fight her family's protectiveness over her. She is Courageous like her spirit animal - a lion - and she isn't afraid to get down dirty to get what she feels is right for the kingdom. She is creative as well as intelligent and determined - there's no swaying her mind once she's made it.


Born into the family that bears the Lion signia, Charlotte Lannister is the youngest of the three Lannister children. She has an older brother and an older sister, both whom she loves very deeply - even though they are extremely overprotective of her and shelter her from the outside world quite a bit.

While her destiny is unclear to her, she enjoys seeing those she loves happy and content and she also enjoys when there is peace among nations; thus she would make a skilled diplomat if she so chose. Charlotte is a dreamer and has no real ambitions in life and is simply living life to the fullest each day.

The young Lannister loves all kinds of animals and wishes to have an animal companion of her own one day, while she has no set destiny in mind, if she did marry a man, she would like him to have a love of animals as well. So, together, they could rescue as many helpless animals as possible. She remembers the stories of her ancestors, when the Targaryen Queen at the time had three dragons. She fell in love with the idea of having a dragon, while possibly not plausible now, she would most certainly love anyone who gifted her with one of her own.


Charlotte has potential to be a skilled diplomat and a neutral component in a political discussion. She wishes to see everyone happy and will fight to get everyone what they need -not necessarily what they want. As long as there is peace, all is well in the world - in her mind.

The young Lannister is a caring soul, she will put others first and she will make sure the hungry are fed before she even takes a bite. She is loyal to her family and her queen and will never betray either of them - heaven help her on the day her family and the queen go to war (if that happens).

She is determined and strong willed, she will not back down from a fight or argument no matter the consequences. She will fight for what is right even if it means harming her in the end - as long as there is peace and everyone is happy, that's all that matters to her.


Charlotte is an innocent little lamb living in the den of lions who shelter her from the evils of the outside world. She is very gullible and can be manipulated easily for she trusts people too easily as she does not know of the evils of the world. Thus she can not decipher an evil or toxic person if they are disguised as a good person compared to an actual good person who is looking to help.

When it comes to something for her, she is incredibly indecisive and looks to her older siblings to decide for her, for she does not care for herself as much as she does for other people. This can also lead to her failing to see that she needs help, or that she needs to take time for herself. She can also be taken advantage of by those with not good ideals.

She is also shy towards new people, which may make those who do not know her think that she is unintelligent - especially if she does not speak up for herself or lets her siblings speak for her.

Quote or Theme Song: "When reaching for the stars, beware of those who want to cut off your hands." ― Matshona Dhliwayo 

" ― Matshona Dhliwayo 

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