28. Heather And Camicazi Look For Explosions And General Destruction

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Heather and Camicazi did not leave to go get more pointy objects – although they obviously stopped at the ship and picked up some weapons anyway – they left to go get their riding dragons and look for Hiccup. Of course, they also left to stop themselves from murdering Stoick. 

Windshear, Heather's Razorwhip trilled delightedly as soon as she saw her raven-haired rider – clearly thrilled at the prospect of going to do something, anything, instead of staying on the boring ship.

"Wake up, wake up!" Windshear called to the dragon beside her, 'playfully' shoving them into a wall. "Camicazi is here too!"

"Whashh 'm sleepin'." Was the sluggish reply.

Camicazi's dragon – who does not belong to Cami, we are equals and I belong to nobody Windy, shut up – had scales the shade of daffodils that shone like they were made up of sunbeams – unusual for a Changewing but nobody was stupid enough to say that out loud – when they were clean. They were not often clean as Cami and both her draconic companions had a tendency to get into all sorts of messy situations, politically and physically speaking. He went by Tracer but was often called Trez. The nickname had come from an incident that was the result of too much mead and the absence of a mature adult to reign in the antics of a completely wasted Camicazi and a rather tipsy dragon who both had no common sense when they were sober – few people know the whole, true story, and those that do have been sworn to complete secrecy – on pain of death –  but it is believed that it has something to do with hidden treasure and a certain Changewing trying to prove he was a badass.

The Smothering Smokebreath who had remained upon Cami's shoulders for the entire meeting/interrogation fiasco zipped ahead of her trainer, blabbering about several topics at once, none of which pertained to the current situation, her mind running a mile a minute. That was simply Misty's way, as it was it happened to be just what Tracer needed to fully wake up.


She was – mercifully – cut off by Heather.

"How do you get Hiccup from cod?"


"Misty, not hiccups, Hiccup. She means the person." Trez groaned, refraining from hitting himself in the face with his wing in exasperation and shooting a glare at the sniggering Camicazi.

"Oh," she replied, sounding almost embarrassed before she continued, "well-one-of-his-names-is-Haddock-and-haddock-is-a-fish-and-cod-are-fish-too!"

"To be fair," Windshear started, "she isn't wrong."

"About what?" Heather asked.

"All of it, 'Chief' is the human term for Alpha, and haddock and cod are both fish."

"Okay, fair point," Cami conceded, "but that isn't important right now cause we're gonna go find Hiccup and probably calm him and Toothless down because I can almost guarantee they're pissed off."

"So you need a ride from your awesome amazing dragon friends?" Tracer teased.

"Yes Trez." Camicazi snorted at the pouty face he made. "No I'm still not letting that go it was hilarious."

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