Chapter 9-Novia-

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Oscar's POV:

After we did it we just spent the day together. Everything felt so right, as cheesey as it sounds. It does.

We talked about everything and anything. We laughed, teared up, and bonded. And to be honest this scared me. I never opened up to people let alone people I barely knew. Well not now.

All I know is that I'm putting a claim on her, I just knew that Leilani Eve Santiago was gonna be mine.

Leilani's POV:

We spent the whole day bonding, everything felt right. So right. But I knew that everything was going to go so so so very wrong. Especially with Ruby, which would then reflect on the whole group.

But right now I already know Ruby is beyond pissed and worried. And he doesn't even know I fucked Oscar yet.

Time Skip it's like 4:30 ish

We we're on our way back and I'm lowkey highey anxious as hell. One, my double life is now going on to be on double time. Two, Ruby. Three, what ever the fuck happens after Ruby flips his shit. Four, the group also flipping their shit.

My thoughts got interrupted by Oscar putting his hand on my thigh.

"Hey bebita, calm down. Everything's gonna work out. Ruby will get over himself. And you just gotta add some weight to your shoulders. You'll be good, ight?" he told me.

I just shook my head and looked in front of me.

"You know you don't have to hide behind a disguise Lei. Santos is a family we don't bring down people. Plus I don't think people want to fuck with you like that anyways." He chuckled.

"Yeah I know. But I'm doing it for everyone around, I don't want people getting hurt because of stupid gang shit and have that shit on me." I sighed.

"Smart. But you do know that you'll eventually have to take them glasses and that mask off one day." He said lighting a cigarette.

"I know Oscar." I said putting hand out the window.

"You know your like one of 3 people I let call me that?" He said soft.

"You know your the only person that calls me Lei?" I said smiling.

He blushed "Look at you out here making me feel special n' shit." We laughed.

"I can say the same." I smiled from ear to ear.

"Hey you think you could drop me off a few blocks away? I can hop the fence, I really just don't want to deal with Ruby right now." I said touching his hand that was on my thigh.

"Nah." He smirked at me.

"Osciee pleaseee." I begged.

"Still no." He laughed.

"But why?" I said starting to get pissed off.

"Well because your going to have to deal with Ruby and your friends at one point. Also I want to show everyone what's mine." He said glancing at me.

I hate that I'm so calm right now. I hate that I'm letting him put me into his trance. I hate that so much. But I can't help it every time he looks at me, my heart melts.

"Your claiming me?" I said raising my voice.

"Damn right I am hermosa. I mean shit look at you, with your fine ass. I want you to be all mine."

"Why me though you have like hundreds of hynas lined up just waiting to even get to look at you? Also if you want me to be all yours, then your all mine. It works both ways, that means me and you both cut off our hoes." I said giggling at the last part.

"Fair game Lei. And because you treat me different, you look at me like I'm normal. You see me as an equal and never let the Santos change that image. I know I've said this before but I've always looked at you the most out of all my brothers friends. You have always caught my eye, and now you have all my attention." He said then grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I'm in shock I didn't know what to say. I haven't been told something this sweet in like ever.

"Aww, that's so sweet." I said then kissed his cheek.

A few minutes passed and we were about two more turns till we got onto our street.

We finally pulled into his driveway and all of the Santos were looking at him, mostly me. I don't even think that they know it's me.

"Yo spooky who's the chica?" one of the Santos called out.

He got out of the car and as I was stepping out he opened the door more, grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

"Y'all know who this is fool. It's Leilani and my novia." he said as he pulled his arm around me.

Ruby's POV:

It was like 5 o'clock and still know sign of Leilani. Well that was until I got a message from Cesar.

Cesar- Yo, Leilani is here.

Ruby- What do you mean here?

Cesar- At my house.

Ruby- Omw!!!

As soon as I read that I instantly took off.

I was walking on the opposite side of the street, probably like 3 houses away when I saw her. I was pissed. Then Cesar saw me and started running towards me.

"Hey Ruby, let's go chill at your house. I'll invite Jamal and Monse. Yeah? Okay cool. Let's go." He said grabbing me by my shirt.

"No what the fuck. I need to talk to Leilani." I said trying move but he pulled me back.

"Ruby, not now compa. Later, at least you know she's alive okay." he said looking down.


"Hey. Calm down, take a breather. I'll explain when we get to your house. Okay?" He looked at me with sympathy.

"Okay." I said low with my head down

I knew fighting wasn't going to solve anything. But I knew Cesar was right and what ever he wasn't telling me was something that he didn't want to. I knew it was going to be something that was going to break me. I just had that feeling in my stomach.

I took one more look before I walked away and I saw that Oscar had his arm around Lani.

Then he kissed her.

"What the hell, Cesar?"I said about to cry.

Yuhh, get into it.

This shit gettin' real mfkn juicy.

But as always leave your feed back in the comments I want to know how y'all like the story.


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