Harrison is typing...

Harrison is typing...

The text appeared and disappeared for at least three times and then disappeared completely. Instead of a text message on the screen, you received an exasperated sigh from the blonde sitting beside you. Your head swivelled in his direction, he was already facing you but his eyes were directed on his lap. His head lifted sensing your eyes on him and then finally he looked at you.

"Look. I can't say that I saw nothing. I surely did see... something," He spoke, a bit of hesitation and amusement was evident in his voice.

"But you just said... in the text." You quoted his message, "I didn't see anything," shoving your phone at his face.

"I just said that to make you comfortable. I mean it's nothing... You see me shirtless all the time." He said pushing your phone back at you.

"It's different for me and you. You don't have..." You paused for a second, your mouth hanging open.

"Boobs." You mouthed.

"Come' on," He scoffed at your word and shifted forward, keeping his palms on the mattress, "Like I didn't know you have boobs."

"I see your attempt of making me feel comfortable working well," Your brow raised as you shook your head in understanding... Just for the dramatic effect.

He sighed, "I just meant... You don't have to overthink or think about it at all. We can talk about other things," A spark of interest gleamed in his eyes.

"Other things like...?" You asked, frowning slightly.

"L-like... the kiss?" He stammered.

"The... kiss?" You repeated, a little blush spreading across your cheeks.

"Yeah. The kiss..." He whispered, his raspy tone nearly made your knees wobble. Good you were sitting. You drew a breath, in and out, ignoring the rumbling in your stomach. The rumbling that some people called butterflies.

"What could it mean Harrison?" You whispered back, looking away quickly, not feeding him with a direct answer.

"That's on you to answer," He said, his soft and curious gaze was fixed on your face.

"That's my way... of saying... yes," You mumbled wistfully.

"I love your way," He groaned and attempted to take advantage of the proximity of his body to yours, of the heat that coursed between you both. For the first time in days, he sensed the tension finally dissolving, his heart no long feeling insecure and unsure. He lurched forward, his lips were barely centimetres apart.

You wanted to yank him by his shirt and kiss him... But you stopped him mid-way, placing your hand over his mouth.

"Wait. I... want to talk about something first," You breathed out.

The unresolved tension again grabbed him by the collar. He gulped and his heart lurched in his chest, afraid of ruining something. He pushed himself back and coughed lightly trying to ease his tickling nerves.

"I want you to promise me something..." You said, your voice laced with seriousness and concern.

"Yeah... What?" His gaze fell, lips pressed together as he waited for you to speak.

"You know... You'll be in London in two days. You'll have a complete week with you there without me." You started speaking, sitting stiffer. "In these seven days, I want you to not contact me at all and..." You paused, thinking carefully before continuing.

His eyebrows twisted in visible confusion, "Wh--"

"I want you to talk to Tom." You spoke in one go, breathlessly. After a series of speculation, you were still unable to find an easy way to bring this up so you might as well just blurt it out.

He didn't respond for at least a whole minute. His mouth parted slowly as if he was still trying to absorb your words.

"You want me to do what?"

The denial in his voice made you flinch. You clenched your fists tight, inhaling a sharp breath in an attempt to calm yourself down.

"I want you to talk to Tom and all those friends you told me about." You explained patiently. His eyes still showcased nothing but disbelief.

"But... Why?" His nostrils were slightly flared and face scrunched up. That look made you afraid. You could hear your own heartbeat. There was something frightening about his voice. It sounded as if he was trying to suppress his anger. You swallowed, licking your dry lips.

"I know you... erm... don't really like to talk to about it but... you have to Haz. It---"

"It's old. It doesn't matter to me anymore." He said and looking away.

"If it didn't matter to you then why is it bothering you? Why is it interfering with your life?" You found your voice screeching.

"It won't anymore Y/n. I now have you---"

"I am not enough Harrison. You have to... there are other things in life too. You can't just ignore them."

"So... now what? You will end this and never talk to me if I don't talk to them?" He said so quickly, afraid that you didn't hear it. You realised that the exchange was gradually turning into an argument. You paused and scooted closer to him, taking his hands in your own. He glanced at your hands holding his and looked at you again. His expressions seemed to ease a bit.

"It's not a deal, Harrison. It's on you to talk to them or not..." You started speaking slowly and he seemed to listen carefully, "Although I will advise you to stop running from the past and confront them. But even if you don't, you will still have me... I-if you want me."

"Of course, I want you!" His voice was more like a shriek, he sounded panicked. He pulled out his hands from your grip, shifting away from you.

"Please Haz... I just want you to be happy---"

"I am happy! I am happy with you! I don't need them. I feel better with you. I really lo---"

"Love can't fill all voids, Harrison." You yelled as he froze, wide-eyed. You looked down at your fiddling fingers, regretting the tone of your own voice.

"I am sorry Haz... I hope I didn't upset you..." You pleaded, your voice slowly drifting into silence. The air thick was between you both, a lump settled at the back of your throat.

He released a snort but it sounded more like a frustrated cry. It made your palms go numb and clammy.

"I am not upset with you..." He trailed off, but the tone of his voice betrayed his words making your stomach churn painfully.

"And by the way, I am sleepy. I am going to sleep. Good night," He stated, not waiting for you to respond anything. He laid down and shoved the covers over him, turning his body away from you.

You were left with nothing else to say... It was unusual for Harrison to go to bed this early.

He also forgot that he was going to kiss you...

[ I know, this chapter was shorter than usual but important for the course of the story

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[ I know, this chapter was shorter than usual but important for the course of the story. Also, we are nearing the end of this book :) Please leave your feedback... I love to hear your opinions. ]

Word count: 1.6k words
Date published: 16 May'20

Faking, Falling | Harrison Osterfield x Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now