~• 15 •~

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Part 15... fanficparker

You had been watching Harrison performing his routine tasks from the comfort of your bed for quite a few minutes now

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You had been watching Harrison performing his routine tasks from the comfort of your bed for quite a few minutes now. You had hidden yourself under the covers leaving just a little portion, allowing yourself to peek at the blonde with eyes narrowed to slits, pretending to be asleep.

He peeled off his t-shirt and threw it on that chair. You mentally cursed him for doing it again. A thing that looked so trivial yet could lead to something so embarrassing. He shoved another t-shirt over his upper half and turned on his feet. You immediately shoved the covers even higher, blocking even the slightest view and clenched your eyes shut. The small thud in the bed indicated that he seated beside you. He tugged at the covers. You expelled your fingers that was clenching around the sheets as he dragged a small portion of it to cover his legs while his back rested against the headboard.

You should have speculated about the time before coming up with the stupid drama of pretending to sleep. It was barely nine o'clock.

Harrison picked up his phone, plugged the headphones in his ears and started scrolling through his Instagram feed. He could barely fall asleep till three in the morning, you were surely not expecting him to fall asleep this moment or any time soon. His feet gently tapped at the mattress and suddenly the slight smartphone addiction you were infected with, yelled at you to pick up your phone and check your fucking Instagram or Tumblr or Twitter while listening to your playlist or maybe even watch a bloody YouTube video.

The small chime from your phone made you shove the covers down and sit up on the bed. You glanced at Harrison, tapped your hand lightly over your mouth and did a fake yawn. Harrison produced a full mouth yawn after you, but his actions seemed real. You yawned for real this time. Mysteriously contagious yawns.

He eyed at you momentarily and then shifted his attention back to his phone. You grabbed your own phone only to see Harrison's name flashing across the device's screen. You gazed him from your peripheral vision, swiping up the notification to read the message.

Harrison [09:12 pm]
>> ik you weren't sleeping.

Your jaw dropped. The three dots below the message started moving.

Harrison is typing...

>> dw
>> i didnnt see anything
>> didn't*

Your mind battled to decide whether to speak to him directly or type up a response. You thought for a minute, considering the available options. He was literally sitting beside you, your knees were even bumping against his.

You typed in the reply, better than maintaining an eye-contact.

<< Really?

Harrison is typing...

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