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PART 1.. fanficparker

Fake it, till you make it— it was just a small phrase with an unknown source, no available citations, no shreds of evidence available of how effective it was, yet so overrated

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Fake it, till you make it— it was just a small phrase with an unknown source, no available citations, no shreds of evidence available of how effective it was, yet so overrated. Maybe that was the prime reason why you accepted it as a mantra. A mantra that would solve a specific problem in your life, a problem that goes by the name of Harrison Osterfield.

Harrison Osterfield or Haz (as most people called him) was simply your colleague. How difficult was it to get away with him? Maybe not so easy. Because that was exactly the problem with colleagues.

If your boyfriend was an arsehole, you can break-up with him. If your best friend or literally any friend was an arsehole, you can get rid of them too. If your roommate was an arsehole, you can search for a new place to live in. But relatives and colleagues? How are you supposed to get rid of them? Also, relatives aren't always near you, but colleagues?? And then colleagues like Harrison??? You can't pretend they don't exist, especially when one of them is always wandering around you. A condescending pain in the ass and someone you had a crush on.

Your fellow crew-member and basically one of the only two people you could address as 'friends' on this weird set of Utopian fantasy mini TV series had warned you to not get along with Harrison on the very first day when you joined the project but would you listen? A charming young man with the best possible flirtatious techniques and those messy sandy blonde curls and blue eyes as pale as those had approached you, not to forget with that grin... How would you resist anyway? He introduced you to everyone, boasted your confidence, got you coffee regularly, even dropped you home if you had extra work... Literally a magic boy.

But... All of it was fake.



You were falling for him and he was faking it from the very beginning.

He had invited you to a party in a pub and that's when everything was revealed. You were simply just a stupid prank bait for him.

The way he initiated everything, the way you both ended up in the corner, just below the staircase, away from those sweaty bodies that had engulfed the whole room. Your back was pressed against the wall while his hands rested on both sides of your head as he leaned in, his warm breath was fanning over your lips while he was staring at you through his lashes. Your heart was thumping in your chest as you closed your eyes and waited for his lips to press against yours, only that it never happened. Instead, a whole bucket full of cheap beer was dumped over your head.

You gasped and opened your eyes, seeing him back up, completely dry while his friends were standing on top of the staircase with a now empty bucket laughing like a maniac and right then Harrison Osterfield started laughing too. He laughed hysterically while you watched him with your hairs dripping from alcohol, clothes spoiled, fists clenched and vision already blurred with tears.

Faking, Falling | Harrison Osterfield x Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now