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EPILOGUE... fanficparker

Standing in front of the large wooden door on a cold Wednesday morning didn't seem like a good idea to Harrison

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Standing in front of the large wooden door on a cold Wednesday morning didn't seem like a good idea to Harrison. He tugged the sleeves of his jacket down aggressively in an attempt to keep his cold, clammy hands warm. He was at least one day late for all this. The original plan demanded this step to be taken by Tuesday. Even after a whole extra day of preparations, his heart was still thumping inside his chest which felt so tight that it was even a struggle to breathe.

No, he wasn't just one day late, he was years late.

He pressed the door-bell, letting his heart-rate shoot up. The very next minute, he could hear the sound of muffled footsteps. He clenched and unclenched his fists, inhaling and exhaling alternatively just like you had advised. The clicking sound of door opening hit his ears and the yearning to run away rushed through his veins, but it was too late for that. Tom's brown eyes were already scanning his face.

Harrison opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. There was a lump resting right in the middle of his chest. He clamped his mouth shut, wiping off the sweat dotting his palms over his jeans.

"Who's at the door, Tom?" Another voice came from behind, much heavier than the ones that belonged to the two boys. He knew it could belong to only one person even after all these years of not hearing it, even when it sounded so different than it once used to sound like.

Tom glanced over his shoulder.

"Ah... er... It's Ha-Harri..."He trailed off the words, the last part of Harrison's name was barely audible but the third boy was standing behind him.

The three of them weren't even boys anymore, they were all in their mid-twenties. Men would have been a better word to describe them, yet none of them felt like one. They were all as vulnerable as teenagers.

"Harrison..." Tuwaine was the first one to utter his name properly. "You... You here?"

Harrison breathed in, gulping slowly. He looked over to Tom and still wasn't able to read his expressions. Tom was just staring blankly at him.

Was he even welcomed here?

"Man, you are crying..."

Before Harrison could fall over his knees, Tuwaine had caught him. Tom gasped at the sight as tears trickled down the length of Harrison's face, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

It was happening again. He thought he was over this.

"Come here Tom, hold him. I will get water!" Tuwaine shouted, causing Tom's frozen body to jolt while the bigger boy dragged Harrison inside making him sit on the floor.

"Harrison? Harrison?... Keep breathing..." The words finally left his mouth as he kept a hand behind Harrison's back.

This was the last thing Harrison ever wanted to happen.

Faking, Falling | Harrison Osterfield x Reader ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora