~• 12 •~

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PART 12... fanficparker

Harrison groaned at the noise coming from outside

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Harrison groaned at the noise coming from outside. His eyes were still closed and he could easily enjoy sleeping for at least two more hours. He groaned again and tried to shove the covers up to cover his ears but he failed to drag the material. He slowly opened his eyes and definitely didn't regret the sight. Your lips were slightly parted, eyes closed, hairs falling over your face and the pillow, your chest slowly rising and falling under soft snores. He wondered if you were that sleeping beauty he read stories of. Sleeping beauty that needed just a kiss to wake up. Not just a kiss... The true lover's kiss.

And Harrison told himself that he, without any doubt, didn't fall into the category of that true lover. But he did already kiss you. God, it was so rushed and dry, worse than a mouth to mouth. He has probably ruined his first impression as a kisser- Terrible kisser. A non-consensual, dry, bad, devoid of all emotions except hurry and anxiety kiss.

Will she give me a second chance? It's in the contract after all. I can kiss her on the thirteenth day at the party. Gosh, Harrison, get a grip! Stop looking at her. She must not want you to watch her like that. He closed his eyes and let his body relax beside yours, so close, so warm, so soft. Your soft fingertips that touched the skin of his bareback felt burning on his skin, yet soothing. Your legs that were wrapped around his, felt nice. Your warm breath that fanned over his neck, felt amazing. And he cursed himself for feeling this way.

Surely, Karma is a bitch. Because if it was any less than a bitch it won't let his heart riot in his chest this hopelessly... yet full of desire. He shouldn't have allowed you to cuddle with him in the first place. But he was also enjoying this closeness. Ugh! He needs at least a couple of years to figure out his conflicting emotions. But for the time being, he decided to go with- 'I should... probably tell my stupid weird whatever I am feeling in the pit of my stomach... desire as the English language names it... to go fuck off!'

"Fuck off!"

He heard the words of his brain in action- in a real human voice. But that voice didn't belong to him. Suddenly, he remembered the reason why he was disturbed from his peaceful sleep in the first place- The noise. It wasn't just noise, it was the voice of two people arguing.

His eyes fluttered open yet again, ears budged to hear, brain alert to concentrate. He recognised the two distinguishable voices. They belonged to your parents. He flinched on the realisation. The argument seemed serious to him. His movements made you whimper, while you unconsciously pulled his body even closer, not wanting to let go off your sleep just yet. He found it smarter to wake you up before thinking anything about the situation taking place outside the bedroom.

"Y/n... Y/n," he whispered directly into your ear. His breath tickled on the spot just below your ear, making you squirm. He decided to take the matter in his own hands but the way you were holding him, didn't allow him to move. He shook your shoulders repeating your name in a proper amplitude and finally, you decided to slap his chest and open your eyes. His confused, probably even worried frosty blue eyes met your oblivious ones.

Faking, Falling | Harrison Osterfield x Reader ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt