949 36 23


Trigger Warning includes:

-bodily fluids
-body mutilation
-spooky scary skeletons
(The skeletons is a joke.)



Patton POV

It's weird not talking for a long while, let alone a day. After what I did, I've felt so ashamed. I was supposed to be the happy, father figure for everyone. But I lost it, like the damn fool that I am.

But, that doesn't mean I couldn't make things right again. Or at least normal, new normal, not old normal. I quickly hurried to Missy's room, haven't seen them in a while. Approaching the door, I heard sniffling.

Not to be rude, I knocked.

"Who is it?" A soft voice called.

"I-its Patton," my voice sounding awful.

Guess not talking for a while, does damage to your vocals.

"Come in."

I open the door, to see Pranks, sitting in a wheely chair. And Missy, doing better. They weren't on life support or anything, the bruises and cuts slowly healing. Just looked like they were sleeping now.

I smiled, seeing the both of them. My eye caught Pranks teary ones.

"I can leave if you want, so you can visit." He said, getting up from his seat.

I shook my head, "please sit."

He gave me a weird look, but sat back down. Figured he knew, that my voice was messed up at the moment.

"Patton," Pranks said, "about what I said-"

"It's alright." I interrupted, "I knew you were feeling so much."

I rubbed my throat, "and I wasn't helping you in anyway."

Pranks handed me a water, "you were helping."

I sipped the water, letting him talk for a bit. My throat needed a break.

"I was just being a dick."

"Language," I said.

"Sorry," he continued. "I shouldn't have blamed you for what happened. You're not a monster, who ever did is."

He wiped his eyes.

"You almost died because of me, and me apologizing isn't enough. I want to make things right, I won't be a pain in the ass anymore. I'll be good from now on. I swear on my life-"

I stopped his talking, by hugging him.

"Don't." I said, sounding a little better, but not very. "You be you. Just no mean things."

"May..be... More... Pranks though." A very hoarse voice bellowed.

Pranks and I turned around, seeing a fully conscious Missy.

"Missy!" I screamed, feeling soreness in my throat, but didn't care. I hugged them tight, not wanting to let this little angel go.

"You're finally awake!" Pranks hugged them, crying of happiness.

"I have so many questions!" He exclaimed. "How did this happen? Why were you at the treehouse? More importantly, who did this to you?!"

"Woah." Missy said softly. "I'll answer them."

"Oooo. A story!" An excited squeal coming from behind us.

"I just loooove a good story."

A strange looking woman appeared, closing the door behind her. Her was colorful, looked beaten up. Her eyes were pretty, but gave off a weird vibe. Wearing clothes that were crazy, in both color and outfit choice.

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