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Trigger Warning includes:

-mentions of suicide
-possible cliffhanger


Thomas POV

One minute, I'm laughing, chilling with Joan and Talyn. All of us having a great time, celebrating after a big cartoon therapy project. We worked long hours creating, too bad the others couldn't stay.

Next minute, I felt weird, cold, almost ill. As if all the excitement and happiness, was sucked from me dry. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I didn't like it, not one bit.

"Thomas?" Tayln spoke, waving their hand in front of my face. "You okay? Is something wrong?"

Joan and Talyn, are constant worry warts. When either of them have a sense something's wrong, they worry about it until it's resolved. I didn't want to worry them at all, so I thought up a quick response.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, giving Talyn a smile. "Guess I'm getting tired, after the long day we've had."

"Also doesn't help, that we've been drinking a bit." Joan laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

I couldn't ask for better friends.

Tayln raised their glass to the sky, "to a job well done."

I followed, "to future projects."

And Joan ended with, "to having more drunk nights.... Can I get another drink?"

We all laughed, getting back to spending time together. But as the night progressed, this weird feeling kept getting worse and worse.

After Joan and Talyn passes out on the couch, covering them up, I headed upstairs. Once to my room, I finally let my guard down. In a split second, I was crying quietly, not knowing why or how.

It felt as if a part of me, was dying or was dead. I hated it, hated it so much. As if someone dissected me, took out the heart, and cut it to pieces. In other words, all the love and happiness I use to have, was gone.

What's wrong with me?!

Logan POV

Oh god oh god oh god!

I was pacing back and forth, outside Patton's room. Hoping Patton was alright, and preparing for the worse. After seeing Patton, my boyfriend, hanging from the ceiling, I lost it.

It was so bad, Roman had to drag me away, and Virgil wouldn't let me near. That was the first actual time, I have shown true emotion in front on everyone. Only Patton saw my emotions, due to the fact, that I trust him most.

Virgil was still in Patton's room, had been in there for a few minutes. But to me, felt like an eternity. That was also how I came to realize, that what I felt is was the others feel all the time.

Please be okay. Please be okay.

I stopped pacing, after hearing the door open, seeing Virgil coming out. Part of me wanted to ask Virgil so questions, but I restrained myself. Because I knew if I asked, I might overwhelm Virgil or never stop asking.

Virgil walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Patton is gonna be okay." He said, sighing, "but I don't know what had gotten into him."

I wanted to cry again, but tried to keep a straight face.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

God I hate emotions, but love it at the same time.

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