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Roman POV

*Earlier that same day*

"You'll see," I said, and Virgil was trying his best to hide his blushing.

I took him by the hand, leading to the imagination, where everything and anything is possible. Even the impossible is possible.

We headed to the far side of the imagination, where I had things set up. After a few more moments, we were there.

I hope Virgil likes this.

And he did, stunned in awe, as we stood in front of a forest. Not just any forest either. An Enchanted Forest, and what made this an Enchanted Forest you ask.

Well, because I created it, of course.

It was full of fireflies, glowing their soft glow. Trees, that are so vibrant and calming. Best part was, that we came as the sunset was lowering itself. Giving the most incredible colors in the sky above.

"Come on, follow me," I said going in ahead of Virgil. Without a second thought, he followed only an inch or so behind me.

When we entered the forest, there was a trail made of stones. Not just ordinary stones, because when Virgil stepped on one, it glowed a light purple hue.

Every one glowed a different color, from purple all the way to red, like the rainbow. I didn't know if he would like that, but he seems to be enjoying himself though.

Virgil POV

I could not believe what I was seeing, for a moment, I thought I fell asleep again. But nope, this is all real. Well, as real as imagination can get, still incredible.

The stones glowing a different color, every step I take. I had to hurry, to catch up to Roman. I didn't know where he got the idea of a place like this, but it's so magnificent.

"Wait up!" I yelled, running after him. Fireflies following behind me, a whole crowd of them.


I ran into the back of Roman, causing us both to fall forward. Wish we had stopped there, but nope, life likes fucking with me. So we ended up rolling down a hill to, and finally stopped at the bottom.

I was laying on the soft grass, sore in some places. And Roman... Well... He somehow ended up on top of me. I blushed, as I laid there, with the dashing prince hovering over me.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" He asked, concerned. I nodded, "I'm fine, just a little sore is all."

"Oh thank goodness, I was afraid you needed patched up again."

"No no I'm fine." I blushed more, staring at Roman. "Uh.... Roman?"

"Yes Virgil?" He asked.

"Can you um... Let me up... Or could you... Well...."

"Oh right! Sorry!" He exclaimed, quickly getting off of me, holding out a hand.

I took his hand, lifting me up. "Thanks Roman." I said smiling.

"Anytime." He replied, "now let's continue forward. Shall we?"

I nodded, letting him lead the way. Roman walked beside me instead, still holding my hand. And I didn't mind it one bit.

Roman POV

He's holding my hand! I could die right now!

I tried my best to not overreact, and kept walking. But I still couldn't believe, that him and I are holding hands and he's not pulling away!

"So how much longer?" Virgil asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Just a little longer." I replied.

After about a few minutes, we made it to our spot. We were at a cliff, with a picnic set up. But the wasn't all, from the cliff, we had an amazing view of nature. Down below was a lake, many woods, hills and animals playing.

But what really caught Virgil's attention, was the sunsetting beyond it all.

"This is beautiful, Roman." He said, staring out at the view. "This really is a surprise."

I had him sit down, while I pulls out the food from the basket. And we started eating sandwiches, and a slice of chocolate cake.

"Hey Roman," Virgil asked, "why did you have this all set up?"

I looked at him, "what do you mean?" I asked. "Is it too much? Would you have preferred going to a circus?"

"No no no. It's just... For so long, you hated me day and night. Now you're being so sweet, nice, charming..."

I blushed. Where is he getting at?

"Virgil." I said, holding his hand. "I don't hate you, I never really did."

"What do you mean? You always called me names, never wanted me around. No one cared that you were being a dick to me, except Patton."

"Virgil, stop." I stated, holding his face. "Yes I did those things to you, but I never really hated you. I hated the fact, that there was someone that I really couldn't have. No matter what tactic I used, it didn't work on them."

"I know I'm ranting on again, and I'm sorry. But, Virgil, I don't hate you, I like you. Maybe even.." I stopped mid sentence.

Should I really say the words to him now? Or should I wait for a more perfect moment?

"Roman," Virgil spoke up, "I have something, I want to tell you. And whatever happens, happens."

What is he getting at?

"Roman, I've been fascinated by you. By everything that you do. You're always full of ideas, talents, things I could never do."

"In short, I have had a crush on you for the longest time. And I got to know, now that you know."

He took a deep breath and asked, "Do you like me?"

I froze, staring off into space.

He has a crush on me, and he likes me!!!


"Roman?," Virgil waved his hand in front of my face. "Oh god, I knew I shouldn't have said anything."


"I shouldn't have told you that, now things will only get awkward around each other. God! I'm such a fucking idiot!"

You're not! Shit. What should I do? What should I do? What should I-


"Virgil, I got one more surprise for you,"

"Huh? Who cares about a surprise! You've got to be kid-"

"Trust me, you'll love this one." I said in a calm gentle tone.

He took a deep breath, "alright."

"Now close your eyes."


InsomniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora