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*one week later*

Roman POV

I still see Virgil here and there, bit he's been avoiding for some reason. At first, I thought it was because of the whole underwear thing. But now, I'm betting it's something else.

Before my thoughts got the better of me, I noticed almost everyone is in the living room. As nosey as I am, only to check on my subjects of course, I popped in.

"Uh oh! Here comes the noblest Roman of them all," I singed. "What up phlebs?"

Patton was being his usual, weird self. Still a lovable idiot. But weirder than usual though. And Virgil, looked like he's about to explode or something.

I felt a disturbance in the force.

"Are you seriously not gonna let me in on what's going on here?"

Virgil looked away refusing to answer, and Patton singing some song. It was catchy, I have to admit.

"Like Patton said," Thomas spoke, sounding groggy, "we were just talking about.... Something."


In my sassy voice, "secrets secrets, are no fun! Tell me now or else we're done!"

Both Thomas and Virgil, kept telling me that I didn't want to know. Something about trouble, blah blah blah. At least Virgil finally talked to me again.

"Mystery loves company," I said, sounding right as always.

Virgil, looks at me, "it's misery loves company."


Give or take, I shouldn't have yelled. BUT I HATE SECRETS!!!

"I have yet to receive an invite to the pity party!" I exclaimed. Oh I actually might listen to that song later. That's a catchy one too.

Anyway, back to the story.

"Come on Thomas, you can't have a bawl with a prince," putting on a smile for Thomas.

Virgil rolled his eyes at me, refocusing on the conversation at hand. I swear on queens royal Navy, Virgil's been so hot, then so cold. Times yes, and then no.

I scoffed, "I can't believe you're making me do this." I summoned Logan, disturbing is 'studies'. He scoffed, already hating the answer to his question.

"What do you need?" He asked annoyed.

"Can you explain why everyone is so moody b. Moans today?" I asked.

Took a moment, Logan finally spoke. "Are they still disconcerned?"

Virgil, Logan, and Patton had a little spat with each other. Logan saying something about laborious, whatever the hell that means. Virgil said something to or about Logan, I don't know. I was barely listening, but I got back into the conversation quickly.

Why? I heard Logan screaming, "FALSEHOOD!"

And we're back, hopefully with full hearing. "Logan!" I clapped at him, "put on your blinders or in this case, take off your glasses" I laughed a little.

"Anyway, ignore them and explain to me what's going on here."

"Well last night," Logan started. Finally an answer! "Thomas struggled to fall asleep due to persistent thoughts about-"

All of them, were interrupting Logan. Made things more strange.

"Wow. You guys are acting Fisher than the krackens crack." I said.

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