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*weeks later*

Virgil POV

Now everything's back to normal once again, well not everything. I still cut from time to time, but it's been happening less and less. Plus, me and Roman are pretty much okay.

I just wished we could do more than have a Disney movie marathon, in his room every Friday. Like I loved the surprise he did last time. It was sweet, beautiful, romantic.

There are so many things we could be doing today, but Roman went somewhere with Thomas for something. I think he said it was an audition, probably for another play. He's good at acting.

Then it got me wondering, is what everything we've been doing is just an act to him? Surely not. Then again...

My thoughts were screeched to a halt, from hearing a knock at my door. So I walked over and opened it, to see an overexcited Prince holding a new movie.

I smiled a little, "let me guess, new Disney movie came out today." I asked.

He jumped up and down, with the biggest and goofiest smile he's ever had. I chuckled. "And you want to watch it tonight?"

"Only if you want to watch with me," he said blushing a bit. "Might distract you from cutting anymore."

I jolted and froze.

He knows I still do that!?

"Don't worry, Virge." Roman said, smile disappearing. "The others don't know it. Just me. And you know I care about you, right?"

Do you? Do you really?

I shook the thought away, taking Roman's hand.

" I do." I said.

"Now you may kiss the bride!" Remy yelled from down the hall.


We heard him laugh, and that was the last time we heard from him.

"So...." Roman said.

"Let's get to watching the movie." I said, letting him take the lead.

We headed to Roman's room, which was massive and neat compared to mine. So much white and gold, and loads of red. And so much Disney stuff, from action figures to plushies to posters, as well as movies.

"Okay, what movie is it?" I asked. "Is it another Cinderella movie? Or maybe another happy version of one of the Grimm tales?"

"No, and no. It's the new Wreck It Ralph movie!" He squealed. Still not used to hearing that.

"You go ahead and change into PJs." Roman said, heading to the door. "And I'll make us some popcorn."

He vanished through the door, leaving me alone. I opened one of his dressers, finding a pair of PJs that were Nightmare before Christmas.

So I went ahead, and stripped. Putting on the Nightmare before Christmas PJ bottoms. They're so soft and warm. I was gonna put on the matching top, but decided to do something else.


Roman POV

I rushed out of the room, and bee lined for the kitchen. Popping popcorn on the stove, yum yum.

"Ooo. I smell popcorn," a voice bellowed from the living room. It was the kids, Missy and Pranks. Crap!

Before I could make an excuse or lie, they rushed into the kitchen.

"Can we have some please?" Pranks asked.

"No way, this is for me and Virgil to share." I responded.

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