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Roman POV

I swear to Zeus, I've been stuck in my room nearly a whole day. Would've been if Thomas hadn't remembered, to finish the video from the night before.

"Okay we just finished where we left off, and now lets get right to the next video."

Patton get giddy, Logan mentally preparing for himself, and Virgil... being a disappointment yet again.

He keeps yawning like he's tired, when he gets a lot more sleep than the rest of us. What do you think he does when he's in his room all day?!

"And just what might that be?" Virgil asked yawning again.

"Another Q & A video, with all of you guys," Thomas answered whipping out his phone.

"Yay!" Patton yelled, now practically bouncing around from excitement.

"Satisfactory," Logan said in his normal, almost robotic tone.

Virgil groans at the idea of another Q & A. "Can I just go then?"

"Nah, stay and answer some with us."
Thomas said, "okay sent out the tweet for fans to ask some questions, using #sandersides."

I was getting excited myself, hopefully I get more questions than last time. After all, who doesn't love dangering and charming princes?

Thomas began, "okay, Roman. What is your favorite Disney movie? And it can only be one."

Well shoot

I think for a moment, and got it. "Cinderella, because one day your dreams will come true."

Virgil snorts, "no, you need to make it happen. Plus, the prince relys on a shoe, to find her. Even though he was dancing with her all night, and can't remember her face. So ergo, princes are idiots."

I scowled at him, he smirks.

So we continued with the Q & A, Patton answering one about his Patton Cakes. And Logan answering some about vocabs, and his misuse of the word infinitesimal. Logan still get defensive about that.

Now it was Virgils turn for questions, "alright Virgil," Thomas said with a smile, "if you had to kiss one of us, who would it be?"

Virgil looks at Thomas with a surprised look, "not answering, next question."

"Come on, you ducked out of it last time."

"Just answer the question, you sorry excuse of a trait," I said with a sorta harsh tone.

Everyone stared at me, Patton being disappointed, Logan a bit stunned, Thomas with his 'wow' expression. And Virgils, his looked.... Hurt.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms. "It's not my fault he's not of much importance like the rest of us!"

"Roman stop!" Thomas said, a little louder than his normal volume. "Virgil, don't listen t-"

"It's okay Thomas," Virgil said in soft tone. "I'm just gonna leave. See ya whenever."

Virgil sinks out, giving us a two finger salute.

I fucked up big time.

Patton POV

Virgil sinked down, and left the rest of us. He looked hurt, almost as if he would break.

Logan cleared his throat, "how about we pick up on this tomorrow? So we can have Virgil start us, where we left off."

I looked at Logan, shocked. He would never suggest putting something off, it's not like him.

Thomas looked shocked as well, but nodded. "Agreed, let's just get some rest. See you guys tomorrow."

Roman and Logan sinked down, I sinked down last. Going straight to Logan, before he entered his room.

"Let's go ahead and get the plan in motion tonight."

"After what just happened, I think they would kill each other. Let's wait unti-" I cut Logan off with a tight hug.

"Please Lo," I rarely ever call him that, but when I do, he knows I'm not gonna let it drop.

Logan sighs, "fine. I'll get the sleeping bags."

"Thank you Logan!" I hugged him super tight, and without thinking, kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll get Virgil and Roman, meet me in the living area in 10." I ran down the halls of the mind palace.

Hopefully after tonight. We all will be getting along greatly.

Virgil POV

I went straight to my room, after leaving Thomas's living room. It was hard to hold it all in, until I got to my room, but managed.

Once I shut my door behind me, I let it all out. My tears, my pain, everything. I slid down the door, sitting on the floor, hugging my knees.

I couldn't believe Princy would say that in front of everyone, and nobody said anything to him. But then again...

He was right.

Wiping the tears off my face, I force myself off the floor, and headed for my bathroom. Thankfully, all of us have our own bathrooms.

I turned the facet on, washing off my make up, and dried my face. Then I pulled out my black long sleeve night shirt, and black plaided pants to match.

Then, the voices started speaking.

You're not even important.

A sorry excuse of a trait.

Nobody cares what happens to you.

Leave already! No one wants you here!

Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!

I wanted them to stop, and knew how it. I do it, everytime they start.

So I scrambled through the medicine cabinet, and pulled out my old friend.

Warning: there will be some triggers in the next chapter. I'll alert you again before the begin of the next chapter.

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