Chapter Five: Go Away, Team Skull!

Start from the beginning

"If it's a fight you want, then fight me." Meta Knight said, his sword flashing in the sunlight. Upon hearing this, Bewear chased him into the forest, leaving Team Rocket alone in the clearing.

"Go west, I'll meet you at the edge of the forest on the west side!" Meta Knight cried as Bewear launched him into the forest with a swift kick to the gumball.

"I think he would want us to leave the forest." James said. "H-he's doing it for us... Attacking Bewear-"

"Not attacking, warning." Meowth interrupted smugly, in a joking sort of way. James snorted in reply.

"Come on, we can get away before Bewear comes back." Jessie said. "We've just met this Meta guy but he seems trustworthy enough. Plus he's probably capable of killing all of us if we don't do what he says. Let's go west."

After an awkward silence of slight confusion and nobody moving to the direction of west, James spoke up.

"Uhm, Jessie, Which way's west? "   He quaked. If looks could kill, he'd be dead at least five times over from his friend's glare. She groaned in exasperation.

"Get a compass or something from the base and whatever you do, DON'T WAKE STUFFUL."


Meta Knight felt small compared to Bewear. The pokemon was massive, and it didn't help Meta stood at the height of a Meowth, and they weren't tall at all. He was a skilled warrior, but Bewear knew how to fight because most Pokemon were fighters. Bewear was also very strong.

He was slammed into trees over and over again. He didn't want to harm Bewear whatsoever, but Bewear wanted to hurt him. Why? Maybe it thought Meta Knight was a possible threat to it or Stufful or Team Rocket, or maybe it just felt like squashing something puny.

Like Meta Knight.

Meta Knight sliced through a tree, aiming to the left of Bewear as a warning. The bear caught the tree and threw it at Meta Knight. Meta Knight sliced through the tree, the two sides of the tree falling either side of him.

Bewear slammed Meta Knight against a tree over and over again, like swatting a fly over and over to make sure it's dead. Meta Knight grunted as Bewear attacked again and again.

Bewear tore up a tree and launched it at Meta Knight. He sliced in in half. Bewear clocked him on the head, the metal making a searing noise ricocheting in Meta's ears (though he didn't have any visible ears). The stun made an opening and the great bear took it. It punched Meta in the mask (Making a dent in it) and he was sent flying into a tree. Bewear threw the logs Meta Knight had cut, at Meta Knight, who was dazed. The logs clashed into his mask and his back, burying him in logs.

He landed in a heap, unconscious. Under the random pile of logs.

At that point, Meta Knight felt weak compared to the bear. He underestimated Bewear, and overestimated Team Rocket. He was so eager to fight something that he didn't stop to think about whether he should fight them. He was in a new world and he probably shouldn't be trying to make enemies with everyone he meets. 

Bewear looked at the logs, Meta Knight underneath it. It left for its den and It would then find Team Rocket missing, Stufful sleeping peacefully (Thankfully James didn't wake it up. The only reason why Stufful didn't wake up last time is because it knew Bewear would sort out things by itself). 

Nearby, another trio heard the commotion, though it wasn't the iconic Rocket trio. Three humans with punk-rock, dyed hair, matching uniforms and bandannas around their mouths were lurking nearby when Bewear attacked Meta Knight. This was Team Skull, the thugs of Alola.

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