Chapter 14

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Emily P.O.V

All memories of this people come in my mind. I just don’t think I know them. I’m crying in pain but no one can hear me. I’m trapped in a white room no door or anything. People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. I can’t feel anything in my body at all , I my hardest to left my finger but nothing. It’s like my brian has been turned off and won’t come back on. Then I begin to hear something a beeping sound. Then I hear a beautiful voice, she is talking to me I think.

“Emily, If you want to let go then I won’t be mad. I don’t want you to leave me but if you can’t fight this battle then it’s okay. I want you to know that the baby is okay but if you can’t hold on anymore neither can the baby. I remember the first time I saw you It was in the seventh grade, you were wearing a light blue t-shirt with black jeans and a beanie. You looked so cute, I knew from that moment that you would be mine one day. We became best friend so quickly. The year went by so fast and I still loved you. I was planning a trip to France once we finished high school, I was going to ask you to be mine forever there. Then I read you the quote “I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.” From Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, we kissed and it felt amazing. The moment that hurts the most to think about is the time when we were in the girls locker room and I felt your stop lips against my neck and I yelled at you and said that the kisses were just practise. I was scared Em I really was. What would people think and what would they say. You wrote me a hateful letter the next day and I hated myself so much for making you feel like that. I was gone for two years and that’s when I knew that I needed to come back to Rosewood to see you. You are the reason I am back Emily, I only wanted to see you. The pain I felt when I saw you with all of your girlfriends it honest killed me. When I came home I told you that I loved you and then you said that you felt the same. Do you know how happy I was to hear you say that. Then –A had to come and wreck it all did they. But what you did was to protect me and now we are starting a family. I can’t wait until this little baby comes into the world. I can’t wait to the day I will say I do. Emily what I am trying to say is that I love you and I always have. Please try and be strong but it’s okay if you can’t I understand. You will forever have my heart. “ She spoke, I could her the struggle in her voice.  I recognised her voice she was the girl  I fell in love with in the seventh grade. She was the girl that had my heart and forever will. I can remember things now. Alison Dilaurentis was the girl of my dreams and we were going to soon be a happy family with this little baby growing inside of me. I can’t give up now , I need to fight for my family.

Hey guys what you think will Emily make it or not. Please remember to  comment and vote xx 

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