Chapter 20

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A/N : This chapter draft was deleted so I had to redo the whole things again in a hurry I'm so sorry

Ali's P.O.V

Everyone thinks you're just quiet, Or that you are fine. You will try and hid the fact that you are in pain by putting a brave face on and getting through it. It hurts more when you see that your best friend can't see that you're in pain. Smile she said but how can you when there is nothing to smile about. I did everything for Emily and then she goes around and does this. Cece has gone and ruined what I had with my Emily, how is that fair at all? I received a text message from –A while Emily was trying to explain to me about what happened. Maybe –A was behind this after all.

Emily's P.O.V

Ali laughed underneath me as I kissed her neck, Her hands roamed my naked body as I hover over her.

"Emily , Emmy, Em Can you hear me?" Ali Spoke in a sweetly tone in her voice. Damn she woke me up from my daydream. My eyes locked with her and I began to speak "Do you remember the time when it was freezing down in the cabin?, Remember the heater wasn't working and we couldn't start the fire. We cuddle together to stay warm, You looked me in the eyes and I stared straight back into them. I saw my future with you Ali! and I still see it today, And there is no way in the world that I would ever take a chance in losing that. Please it wasn't what it looked like, I know it looks bad but it wasn't, It didn't mean anything to me. You're the one I am in love with,.no one else. You and You only!" I gently   spoke from my heart to my fiancé. I saw her perfect ocean blue eyes full up with water and I watched as one single tear rand down her gorgeous face. I moved my hand to quickly wipe another tear that was slowly following the same path like the other one had. I placed both of my hands on the side of her face and cupped it, My lips brushed on hers. I kissed her with all the passion and emotions I was feeling towards her. My hands slithered down to her waist while Ali's hands wrapped around my neck. Ali's tongue slide under my lip, Our bodies pressed together, I parted my lips allowing her tongue to slip in. Our tongues fought for dominance but I final gave in allowing her to win in some way. I slowly broke the kiss but didn't lose the body contact with one another.

"Let's go home baby, Back to Rosewood" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.    

 "But Em., You're mum" She replied  

"Forget about her Ali. You mean more to me then anyone else and I wanna go back  home with my amazing fiancé"

 "I'm Sorrry Emily I should of let you explain"  

"It's in the past now babe, Lets just go home"


Dear Mum,

Don't be mad at me once you finish reading this letter, I had to do what was best for me. As you read this I am on a plane going back to Rosewood. I know this is not what you want but think about what I want for once. I always did the right thing growing up, I listened to you and dad and did everything I was told. You took away my life by making me leaving Rosewood, I left the ones who I loved and cared about the most. You made me say goodbye to my Fiancé. I was brought up to be a good heated person and that's all I have been and I've found someone who I love more than anything else in the world. I just want you and Dad to know that I still love you guys and forever will but it's time for me to go and Live my life.

Love Emily.


Sitting in the car, looking outside the window just watching things go by is one of my favourite things to do. Your mid just goes else were and into this deep though which cannot be describe. Coming back to Rosewood feels right, it's were I belong at the end of that day. It's were my friends are, it's were my life has been for the past 18 years and you know what I wouldn't change a thing about it. You wanna know why? It's because it were I fell in love with my soulmate...


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