Chapter 18

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Ali's P.O.V

I'm going to get married to the Emily fields I only dreamed of it. So much can happen in 3 months! What if Emily falls for someone else, what if she loses the baby! All of these crazy thoughts are running through my head. I need to trust Emily.

The girls and I head back to home, that's when we heard our phones go off! "Emily's Gone Away Now, Won't see her for a while. 1 down 4 to go! Kisses –A" FUCK! Why can't that son of a bitch leave us all alone, all I want to do is be happy but I cant with –A around every corner I turn around. What did I ever do to make –A hate me and my friends so much. I am going to do all it takes to put an end to this once and for all.


Three weeks it has been but not one phone call, text nor message from Emily at all . Nothing! I've learned that waiting is the most difficult bit, and I want to get used to the feeling, knowing that she's with me, even when she's not by my side . I am sitting on my bed with my laptop and a bulletin board with the other girl trying to figure out who is –A. I am worried about Emily and the baby who knows what could off happened.

Spencer- We are so close to figuring this out!

Aria-The more we get close it feels like we get more further and further away

Ali- We will find out before Emily comes back I can't risk her and the baby getting hurt from my mistakes I've made in the past.

Spencer- Ali this isn't your fault at all

Aria- Spencer's right Ali, -A is just a mental bitch.

Hanna - When is Spencer ever wrong Aria?

We all broke into laughter at Hanna's comment because it was so true, this is where I belong, this is my home.

Emily's P.O.V

Three weeks, 21 Days, 504 Hours, 30240 Minutes and counting since I last heard from Ali. When I got here my mother took everything off me; My Phone, My Laptop and IPad. You see the thing is my mother doesn't want me to have any contact with her but how can I not have contact with my fiancé. Texas is very different from Rosewood, there's no one here at all for me but back home there is everything and more. Mum enrolled me in a school so I don't miss anything while I'm here but its bullshit I'm ahead of everyone. I meet one girl and she is so pretty her name is CeCe, she looks just like Alison  that's what attracted me to her. Wait no.. I'm not attracted to CeCe, I can't be! I'm engaged to Alison maybe that's why I like CeCe. I told CeCe about everything; Me, the baby, Ali, the girls. She seems to understand and listen and that's not really every happened with people I have met.

CeCe- Hey gorgeous girl

Emily- Hey beautiful

CeCe- What are you thinking about?

Emily- My gorgeous finance! i miss her so much CeCe, why does my mother have to be such a bitch?

CeCe- Hey look at me it will be okay. Do you want to use my phone it call Alison?

Emily- Are you sure?

CeCe- Of course! Anything for you.

Emily- Thank you so much.

CeCe Passes me over her phone and I quickly dial Ali's number and wait for her to pick up. On the fourth ring she's picks up.

Ali- Hello?

Emily- It's so good to hear your voice again babe!

Ali- Emily? OMG! Emily is that you?

Emily_ Yes it's me babe.

Ali- Why haven't you called me early i have been worried sick about you and the baby Emily?

Emily- I'm sorry Ali my mother took everything off me. I'm using my new friend CeCe's phone right now.

Ali- I'm sorry Em, How are you? How's the baby?

Emily- We are both fine but miss you like crazy.

Ali- aww I miss you both more. I can't wait to see you soon!

Emily- When are you coming out babe?

Ali- Soon babe I promise but I have to be careful not to get caught by your mum.

Emily- Why does she have to do this?

Ali- Baby don't cry everything will be okay i promise you.

Emily- Ali I love you

Ali- I love you more baby.

Emily- I have to go now class is about to start

Ali- Okay stay safe though. Love you more than you know

Emily- love you my gorgeous fiancé. Bye Ali.

I ended the call and passed the phone back to CeCe. CeCe pulled me into a hug as I cried into her chest. Why does this have to happen I question.


Emison - Is this RealUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum