Chapter 21

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No One's P.O.V 

After the drive from the airport the couple finally arrived back at 'The Dilaurentis' property. The engine turned off, and the headlights of the car dimmed.  Silenced filled the car and neither of the girls had no idea what to say to one another. Ali was the first one to speak "Um... Em, I was wondering if you want to stay here since ... you know" Emily spoke up quietly "Yeah I get it Ali." Both of the girls stepped out of the car and headed in the house. Ali was the first to walk in and she was greeted by her dad asking her how the trip went, Ali slightly stepped aside so her father could see the brunette who was behind her. "Glad your back Emily, you can stay here as long as you like, I know about the engagement and everything and I'm very supportive of you two.   Emily felt welcomed into the Dilaurentis family.

Ali's P.O.V

I got her back to Rosewood safe and sound just like I wanted to. We are back in my house well i guess i should start saying our house shouldn't I? I place the bags on the bed and then walk over to the window. On the drive home i was just thinking about what i said to emily in Texas, i was a terrible girlfriend and no one deserves to hear what i said to her.  I would take it all back i really would,  at the end o the day I'm pretty sure - A is behind this whole thing.  But how could -A of known i would be in Texas for the weekend i kept everything in the dark so they wouldn't know where i am, i was just trying to keep my baby girl safe. What if -A was in Texas, but who was with Emily? What if it was Cece! I turn around to face emily who is now laying on the bed looking up at the roof. 

"Hey Em, How did you and Cece get close?" I questioned her as my mind began to wonder        

  "Ali, why are you so curious all of a sudden?" She replied, I looked down at my hands as i began to get nervous about telling her what i was thinking.    

  "Baby I'm just trying to figure stuff out with -A and everything." I replied to her as i place my hand on top of hers, Emily looks at me and smiles and brings my hand up to her mouth and kisses it. 

"She kinda basically found me when i first came to Texas, she was just there all of a sudden." She answered.  

"Emily baby, did you Cece every ask you any personal questions about you or us or the girls?"

" Not really she somehow caught on to everything really fast, as if she already knew everything." 

" Emily what if she was -A, did you ever question it babe"

"I actually have been, i was thinking about it on the way home." Emily answered honestly.   

"Babe i think she is -A" I spoke as Emily was clearly thinking about the situation.    

"I think i have a plan" Emily spoke 


The plan was all set Emily called Cece and told her to come to Rosewood even though we had a feeling she was already here but we didn't want to give away anything. Emily has been pacing down around the room no stop for the last couple of hours, i am getting slightly worried. I messaged all the girls too come over and we told them the plan and they thought it was a smart idea. We are now at Emily's house as this is where Emily told Cece to meet here. The girls and i are going to be upstairs while Emily and Cece will be downstairs talking. 

"Emily, I love you, I'm in love with you and i've never felt like this with anyone else before" I spoke, Emily stopped pacing and come up to me and kissed me with everything she had, All of a sudden I felt a kick me, it was the baby, She was kicking from Em's stomach. I pull away from the kiss and place my hands on emily's side and i start to speak to the baby "Hey little one, it's your other mum here and i  just want to let you know that i can't wait to see your little face and be able to hold you in my arms. I love you so much already, now lets get ready to start a new life without anything bad in it." I kissed Emily's stomach. I looked up at Emily and saw little streams of tears running down her beautiful face. There was knock at the door, The  girls and I stay in the bed room while Emily's goes and get's the door. 

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