Chapter 19: In the Years That Passed

Start from the beginning

   The next day, Savannah was awoken by Ella. At first, she had mistaken the little princess to be Matty(she hadn't made that mistake in awhile). It was probably the fact that she was going back today. She wondered if Jareth had changed at all. He seemed the same through his letters.

   "Onyx, it's time to go" sung Giselle as she signaled for her to get in the carriage. Savannah lifted her baby blue dress and elegantly entered the carriage. On the way to the Labyrinth, she had fallen asleep dreaming of her friends. Dumble took her high into the sky. She dreamed of her hands flowing through the clouds. The dream changed to a ballroom scene. The ballroom was filled with a bubbly theme of white and gold. Grown ups messed around and swirled around her. She pushed her way through trying to find something. She paused in front of a mirror realizing that she wasn't herself. Instead, she was a young girl probably in her early teens. She had long brown hair that was tied in a whimsical nest. Her eyes were a light shade of brown.

   As she continued through this dream, she was introduced to a beautiful man. He had long blonde hair that shot off into different directions. She asked if he would remove his mask, but the man shook his head without saying a word. After they danced for who knew how long, she asked him to remove the mask again. He agreed and began to peel the disguise away. Before she could see his face, she was jolted awake by the soft hand of Giselle. "We're here!" She beamed.

   Savannah heard trumpets booming from the castle. The citizens of the Labyrinth were gathered to see their kings new queen. Her heart clenched as she saw Jareth. He looked the same as the day she left him, but somehow he appeared to be more beautiful. The carriage stopped abruptly it's coach introducing Giselle first as she left the carriage. The crowd cheered, but silenced as he announced her name "Lady Onyx Silverwing from the elf kingdom". Her heart bounded in her chest. She slowly stepped from her carriage holding her posture(the night moonlight shinned beautifully over her pale skin). The crowd drew in their breathe before cheering and shouting at the top of their lungs. Savannah held her smile back continuing to meet Jareth at the castles door.

   He smiled warmly out stretching his hand. She hadn't seen him smile in three years, so naturally she returned the emotion. "Hello Jareth!" She cooed. Jareth hushed her. Savannah noticed that there were others around and understood. "I am going to show Lady Onyx to her room, thank you all for coming". The man grabbed her hand and began walking to where her room was. It was still the same from when she left it. The clothes were still in the closet. The crystal ball Jareth had given her still laid on the pillow of her bed. Bella greeted her purring happily. "Bella!" She turned to meet Jareth's gaze "Thank you for taking care of her!"

   Jareth brought her into a tight hug "I have missed you very much little one!" She returned the embrace squeezing him tighter "I missed you too..." The man then looked upon her figure "You've grown so much! Your beautiful!" Savannah thanked him and moved to the window. She looked out upon the labyrinth. The girl missed the view. Wait Dumble! "Dumble? Can you hear me?" There was no reply. She waited a little longer before a loud screech came from below. She gazed down to find her companion glaring at her from his stable. "I missed you too! I'll talk to you tomorrow." Savannah then glared back to find Jareth still staring at her.

   "When's the wedding?" She asked. Jareth broke from his gaze "It will be the day after tomorrow..." Savannah held her tongue fighting back a protest. This was for the best anyways right? She nodded. "There will be another ball following..." Jareth added. Great! Another ball for her to screw up. Jareth then became serious "Did you have anymore incidents involving your powers?" Savannah shook her head. Ever since the ball, she hadn't used them once. She even doubted if they were still there. A knock made her jump. Matty burst thorough the door crying "I missed you's lady's!" Savannah hugged the woman wiping the tears from her face. "I am happy to be back!"

   "It's gettings lates!" The Goblin woman began shooing Jareth. Before leaving, he caught Savannah's arm giving her a soft kiss on the cheek. "We will talk more about the wedding tomorrow!" With that last statement he was gone. For the next hour or so, Savannah and Matty talked about what had happen in her absence. Not much happened and what had happened was already described through Jareth's letters. "Wells you's goes on to sleeps, you's has a long day and another's tomorrow." Matty kissed her forehead before leaving to Jareth's room.

Jareth's Point of View

   He could hardly control himself! The kiss he had given Savannah was not enough for him. He wanted ALL of her. He knew she had grown but her beauty made her appear elegant. The wedding couldn't come any faster. Giselle had already explained the girls duty as a wife and a queen to give children not too long after the wedding. Jareth still wanted it to be her choice no matter his desires. If he could of had it his way, he would have already taken her!

   Matty popped through the door way happy as could be "I am' sure glad's she's home and safes!" Jareth nodded "Yes, but she has changed very much since the last time we have seen her." He thought back to the necklace he gave her and how she was wearing it tonight. He was shooed off before he could make a comment about it. "So who's comings to the weddings?" Matty asked pouring him a glass of water. "All the kingdoms except the Gremlins". Since the ball, Jareth's distrust towards the gremlins grew. There was no way he would bring Kai back after his dramatic disappearance. Matty smiled "I ams happy for you's!". The king could only nod. He was very tired and tomorrow was a big day since he wanted to hurry with the marriage I case another incidence happened. "Good night Matty..." Jareth said drifting into slumber. Matty replied quietly "Goods night".

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