Campfire Conversations

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Upon hearing the sound of footsteps, Raven and I both turn to see Oliver, Titus, and Shayra approaching our makeshift campsite with sullen faces.

"Anything?" Raven asks as she stands up from our spot by the river and walks over to them. Following her lead, I also stand up and begin to walk over, freezing when I see an angry Shayra stomping towards us. Shayra scoffs before brushing past Raven. I watch as she stomps to the edge of the water and unsheaths her knife,  stabbing it into the ground beside her as she sat down. I glanced over at Oliver who was watching her display warily before he met my emerald gaze.

"There's nothing. It's too cold for life in this arena, doubt there's any fish in the water either" Oliver adds with a sigh. Dismayed, I look out to the water.

Yeah, there's no way anything can survive that icy death trap.

Turning back towards the group, I see Titus holding some chopped bark and suddenly I get an idea. I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out the matches and hold them out to Oliver.

"A sponsor sent these, we might be hungry but at least we don't have to freeze" I add throwing the box to a wide-eyed Oliver. He caught the box and held it with both hands peering down at it like it was the most precious thing in the world. I watch as a smile slides across his face, brightening his features. Oliver nods towards Titus who walks over to the boat and begins to set up the wood for a fire. Oliver walks up to me and pats me on the shoulder, casting me a warm smile before joining Titus to set up the fire.

I look back over at Raven who is watching as Shayra notices the boys and gets up to join them. She looks back at me and I give her a reassuring smile before walking with her to the rest of the group.

In no time Titus and Oliver had set up a roaring fire giving us some much welcomed warmth.

"Won't the smoke give away our location?" asked Raven as she looked up at the grey sky now swirling with plumes of black smoke.

"Then all the better" Shayra drawled as she pulled her knife out of the sand and flashed the blade towards Raven who flinched back. Shayra laughed at Raven's blatant display of fear before a glare from Oliver shut her up and made her put down the knife. The next few moments we all sat in silence, soaking up the warmth from the fire. I closed my eyes and pretended that I was back in Four, sprawled out on the beach. I close my eyes and pretend the heat radiating off of the fire was from the sun kissing my skin on a hot summer day.

The sound of music pulled me from my thoughts as I looked around to find the source. In the sky, there was a light projection of a picture of a girl from District 3. I watched as each tribute's face was cast into the sky, unconsciously searching for a familiar face. I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding when I didn't see Thomas. From what I counted this was easily the biggest bloodbath in the Games history. Everyone died except us, the other pack, the girl from 12, the boy from 7, and Thomas.

"Sounds like the game-makers are in a rush this year" Titus mumbles poking at the fire, breaking the silence. We all nod in agreement.

"Well, I doubt they will try to kill any more of us tonight with so many deaths already. We should try to sleep while the fire is still burning." Oliver states before standing up and glancing around the area.

Turning to Titus he begins, "Titus and I will take the first shift. We will wake you guys up when it's time to switch" He adds as he picks up his knife from the ground and gestures for Titus to follow him. Titus obliges and grabs his own knife before stalking after Oliver, leaving Raven, Shayra, and I alone.

We sit in awkward silence for a moment before I feel Raven's body shuffle up next to me.

"Can I sleep next to you?" she whispers, casting a not so subtle glance in Shayra's direction. Shayra scoffs when she notices this and she scoots back to lean against the boat, closing her eyes once she settled in a comfortable position.

Looking back at Raven, I nod and we lay down huddled together with the burning fire separating Shayra from us. As soon as my head hits the sand, I feel the day's events catch up to me and a wave of exhaustion hits me. I am glad I am not hungry, but my limbs ache from running and I am colder than I have ever been in my life. I feel my eyes flutter closed as I welcome the darkness, hoping it will provide me with temporary relief from this nightmare. I'm not sure how long I was out but I was rudely awakened when the sound of a shrill howl cut through the trees followed by the blood-curdling scream of a tribute. I jackknife into a sitting position when an all too familiar sound silences the scream.



Hey Guys!

Thank you so much for all the support. I know I haven't updated in a while because I have been busy with school and my new superhero romance/crime thriller story The Hero. I probably won't update this fanfic for a while but be sure to follow me so you get an update when I do. I have big plans for this fanfic and I hope you stick around to see them!

Please vote/comment if you would like me to continue this fanfic.

Thank you!


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