Blood In The Water

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***Authors Note: Hey guys hope you are enjoying my story! I appreciate all the support, and I can't believe I have just reached over 300 reads! However, just a heads up these next few chapters will contain some mature themes now that Annie is in the arena. Read at your own risk and enjoy :) ***

I jump off my platform and run towards the boats. My pathway is cut off when a girl tackles me to the ground. I feel her mount me and put her arms around my neck, cutting off my airways.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe. 

All a sudden, I see the girl's eyes widen as I watch her body get lifted into the air. Then I see Oliver. He has pulled her off me by her braid. Gasping for air, I watch him grab the back of her head and slam it repeatedly into the ice until her once blue eyes turn lifeless grey. That's when I hear the first cannon.


And then more.


Too many to count. 

I'm still frozen in shock when Oliver reaches his hand out to me, "Are you okay?" He asks as he helps me up. Unable to speak from my now swollen throat, I simply nod, and we walk together towards the two remaining boats.

Apparently, while I was being attacked, a pack made of the tributes from District Three, Five, and Six grabbed one of the three boats and with a head start, escaped towards the mountain. I look around and realize all the other tributes (besides the ones my career pack killed) must have jumped into the water, realizing there would be no chance of them grabbing a boat. My eyes then begin scanning the ice littered with dead tributes. The once pure white ice is now stained with the red liquid spilled from the now lifeless bodies. I counted about ten bodies on the ice, leaving only the other tribute pack and a few stragglers left alive. Mustering up the strength, I quickly glanced over the bodies one last time in search of a familiar face. I am relieved when I don't see Thomas among them.

"Come on, we gotta go!" I hear Titus yell pointing towards one of the boats. In an attempt to catch up to the other pack, Oliver and I mount the boat with Raven and Shayra already inside. Sitting down in the boat, we wait as Titus kicks a hole into the remaining boat and pushes it off the platform letting it sink into the icy water so none else can use it. Once the boat has vanished, Titus walks back to our boat and pushes us off into the water to begin rowing towards the cornucopia. Oliver and Titus grab the paddles and start rowing while Raven and I search the boat for supplies. Unfortunately, all we find are a few small knives and some rope.

Still no food or water.

As they row, I stick my hand into the crisp water to see if it is drinkable and put a bit up to my lips to taste.

Salt. Damn it.

Sighing, I dump the rest of the water back. The water is cold. Really cold. Miniature icebergs are floating all around our boat. I can't help but think about the tributes who tried to swim themselves. There's no way they could make it this far in this freezing of water. As if answering my question, we hear another cannon go off. 


Oliver and Titus stop paddling and look around. After not seeing anything, we continue paddling towards show until a few minutes later, we hear another.


"What's going on?" Shayra asks irritated as if she is upset, she is not the one killing them. 

That's when Oliver points out into the water. Following his finger, I see the bodies of tributes who have drowned in the cold water. My blood boils as I hear Shayra laugh. Taking this as a cue to keep going, Titus and Oliver continue their paddling towards the forest shore. 

The Story of a Mad Girl [Annie Cresta x Finnick Odair THG Fanfic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora