Nightmares and Daydreams

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One night about three days before the games, I was woken up by a particularly disturbing nightmare featuring the girl from District Two: Shayra. She was standing above me with her menacing smile, watching me sink deeper and deeper underwater. I couldn't breathe, and all I see is the other careers just laughing as I drown. What a horrible way to go, death is bad enough, but to add humiliation to the equation is an evil the careers are all too known for. I begin to think about my father. What would he feel about watching me get pinned down and taunted as a career slowly slices my throat? Or worse, now that I joined the career pack, what will he think of me as I stand back and watch them torture and kill the other tributes?

Both options are equally unsettling and yet equally unavoidable. With my mind plagued with these thoughts, I realize I won't be going back to sleep anytime soon. So, I get up and head towards the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. As I walk out, I see Thomas pouring himself a glass of water.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" I ask after he became aware of my presence.

"Nah, can't imagine why," he adds sarcastically. We laugh silently, trying not to wake Mags or Finnick.

"Hey, I just want to say I'm sorry for not wanting to go off with you. It's not that I don't like you. It is just..."

He cuts me off, "It's fine, you just decided what's best for you. I'm not mad or anything."

"Friends?" I ask, hopefully.

Smiling, he replies, "I thought we already were. Goodnight, Annie," he says as he disappears back to his room.

The following night I am tormented by yet another nightmare, and I wake up covered in sweat. I must have been screaming because my throat was raspy and sore. Confirming my suspicion, I hear a knock at the door.

"Annie? Are you okay?" It's Finnick, he sounds worried.

Realizing I'm only in my strappy nightgown, I try to send him away, "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks." I must not have been very convincing because he asked if he could come in. Grabbing my sheet and quickly draping it around me, I reply nervously, "Sure..."

The door clicks open, and I see Finnick standing in a white shirt and loose black silk pants. It was odd to see him so dressed down since he was always in such revealing or elaborate outfits trying to please his string of fancy Capitol lovers. I watch him as he walks over to sit on the edge of my bed.

Becoming aware of my sad attempt to cover myself with my blanket, he elicits a slight chuckle and looks up at me, "I heard you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright," he says fading his smile into concern.

Looking away from his blue gaze, I mumble back, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fine." It was embarrassing enough I was hardly dressed, but for him to think I was having nightmares like some child would be too much.

I lift my head back up and glance at him to see if he believe my lie. Instead, I am met with his cheeky smile as he replies, "You know, girls don't usually scream unless I'm in the room with them ;)"

Idiot. I think to myself as my face goes red again. I hate how he has this effect on me.

Or do I?

"Well, now that I feel confident I have given you something else to dream about, I'll leave you to it." With a parting wink, he stands up and walks out of my room, seemingly taking all the warmth with him because as soon as he is gone, it feels as though the temperature has dropped ten degrees.

The Story of a Mad Girl [Annie Cresta x Finnick Odair THG Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now