The girl nodded "But they all rule some form of mythical creature, so how are they related to Jareth?" The elderly goblin sighed "When they were voted as King, they received the gift of shifting, so they can change from human to creature when they choose". "Then why doesn't Jareth turn into a goblin?" She added. " ask a lot of questions! Jareth chose to shift into an owl that is why you to will shift into a bird when you are wed...I think that is enough history for today. We will continue the day after tomorrow" he concluded. Just in time! There was a knock at the door. Savannah went to open it. She found Jareth in the hallway carrying envelops.

   As Mr. Chauve left, Jareth walked in and sat the envelopes on the desk. "What are those for?" She asked. "They are invitations to the ball. I will send them off tomorrow" Jareth replied. Savannah counted them...there were only six "But, there are only six invitations". "Did Mr. Chauve not tell you about the seventh kingdom?" He asked "Well he said you don't talk, but he never said why". Jareth sighed "He has been threatening to take my kingdom. I have told him that his threats were a deceleration of war, but he wants power". Savannah smiled "I have an idea. Why don't you invite him to the ball and we can persuade him to forget about your kingdom". He thought for a moment "What if he doesn't listen?" Savannah laughed "Then we kick his a** until he does". Jareth smiled "It just might work. I'll have to create his invitation later, but right now I am very hungry. I have been planning things all day for the fair tomorrow". Oh yeah she had forgotten about that.

   Savannah grabbed her notes and began to head out the door. Jareth stopped her "I believe an apology is in order for the way I acted the other day, so I'm sorry". She looked at him for a couple of moments before nodding and they both continued down the hall. "So, did you understand everything today?" He asked. "Actually, I did. It was all very easy. Well, I'll have to memorize the names, but I think I can get them down for the ball". "Good. I'm glad to hear that". What had changed in him? Why was he being so kind to her? The other day he had claimed that basically he could do what he wanted with her and that she was just a mere possession, but today he seemed like he actually cared about what was going on in her new life. It made her feel weird. She shook her head and brushed the feeling away.

   At dinner Savannah told Jareth all the things she had learned. "So who is the ruler of the mermaids?" He asked "That's easy, it is King Camilo" she answered. "And who is his wife?" He continued. "He doesn't have one". "Very good! One more...who is our closest ally". Savannah contemplated before answering "The elves". "Ok and who is their King and Queen?" Jareth continued. "That would be Enrique and his wife Giselle". The king smirked "You are learning very quickly. I'm impressed". Savannah smiled "Well I don't want to appear naive when everyone comes". He laughed before she spoke again. "What do you think happened to Racusio?" Everything was silent for a moment before he answered "Personally I believe he abandoned his kingdom. He was always a coward in my eyes". Savannah nodded and continued to eat her Ratatouille.

   The rest of dinner was silent. She didn't mean to put him on the spot, she just wanted to know what his opinion was on the matter. "Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier at dinner". She said as he opened the door to her room. Jareth shook his head "You didn't make me feel uncomfortable. I just didn't think you would ask such a question". "Well, he was your cousin. So I wanted to make sure you that even though it happened awhile ago, that you were...ok". Woah! She actually showed some thoughtfulness! He was definitely surprised "Well...thank you".

   As usual, Matty was sitting on Savannah's bed waiting for her to return. When Jareth left, Savannah sat on her bed and grabbed her crystal ball. Glancing in she saw that her siblings were fighting as they normally did. "Don't fight" she whispered and as if they could hear her, they stopped. Her mother walked in and told them to go to bed. Elizabeth went to her room and Tristan to his. They snuggled up into their beds and were fast asleep. "They's right cute" commented Matty. "Thems your siblings?" The woman asked. "Yep, they can be quite troublesome at times, but over all they are really good". Replied Savannah. She then placed the little ball on her night stand and began to prepare for bed.

   "So how'd yer lessons go?" Matty asked as Savannah got under her covers. "They went really well. I'll get this down pact before you know it". The maid then changed the subject "And how's things with Jareth?" Savannah froze "Well...we are starting to get along. It's not so bad being around him surprisingly. He can be sort of mean sometimes, but other than that one time he hasn't gotten upset with me nor I with him. He even apologized for the other day. I think I can handle living here". Matty smiled "Wells that's good". She turned to say goodnight to the young girl, but found that she was already asleep. The goblin quietly left the room and headed for Jareth's.

Jareth's Point of View

   "Today went rather well" Jareth said to the maid. "I've gotten everything ready for the fair tomorrow and Savannah is quickly catching on to the history content". Matty walked over and sat his half drunk goblet of wine on her tray. "I believe tomorrow will be quite enjoyable" she heard him say. Matty turned and smiled "Dat girl gonna change yo life, so long as you treat her correctly. It's only four mores days till her birthday and yous cans really gets to knows somebody's in that time. Her feelings have definitely started changing towards you". "Really?" Asked Jareth. "Sure has! I'ds tolds ya's dat if yous nicer to her, then she'd be nicer towards you". She replied heading towards the door. "Oh wait! Can you have one more invitation made Matilda?" He asked her. The goblin woman nodded and left. Jareth sat back in his bed and thought about what she had said. His eyes began to get heavy and soon he to was asleep.

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