Chapter 6: Chilling Down!

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   Savannah was getting tired. Her feet were hurting and she was developing a headache. They had been walking for who knows how long and came across nothing but hedge. Ah! A dead end. They all turned to find that the labyrinth had once again changed on them. She hated that about it. Then she thought about the last time she was corned off. No matter what, there was always a solution to the puzzle. She was right and once she turned she found two doors with ugly faces on them. "Hey look!" She said signaling the other two to join her. "Ludo remember these" The beast said smiling. Savannah eyed them wearily. One had a ring through its ears and the other had a ring in his mouth. She walked up to the one with the ring in his mouth and looked at it cautiously. Had it just blinked! Then someone shouted at her in an angry tone "How many times do I have to tell you people that it's very rude to stare!" They all looked at the knocker with the ring in his ears. "Oh! We're sorry" Savannah said in shock.

   Now the one with the ring in his mouth was mumbling at her. "Sorry I can't hear you!" She shouted. Ludo then grabbed the knockers ring and yanked it out of his mouth. "Ahhhhhh thank you!" The knocker replied. Ludo then looked back at Savannah with a grin. "Good job Ludo!". " do we get in?" She questioned the goblin. "Knock and the door will open!" He replied. Well ok that sounds easy. She took the ring from Ludo's hand and attempted to place it back in the knockers mouth. The knocker quickly shut it and mumbled "mum mum". "Oh come on! I don't have time for this! I'm on a limited schedule here!" She said in frustration. The knockers mouth remained closed and she was beginning to get ticked off.

   Ludo once again helped her and covered the knockers nose. She knew what the beast was doing, so she waited until the knockers mouth flew open gasping for air. Shoving the ring back into its mouth. The knocker knew that the trick worked on him every time. Savannah then knocked and surely the door opened. She walked in only to be closed off from her friends as the door slammed shut with a bang. "Ludo! Hoggle!". Banging on the door didn't help at all...she was alone once again.

Jareth's Point of View

   Finally he got her alone again. He marveled at her lonely and frightened look. Was she really scared? After all she had been through? She was a peculiar little mortal. Everything about her fascinated him. He threw the crystal away. And drew another one. In it he saw the Fire Gang dancing around and acting like idiots as usual. He yelled at the crystal and the feathery creatures all halted and listened. "You know what to do" he questioned into the ball. All the creatures shook their dismembered heads in agreement. Good his plan was working well and now with Ludo and Hoggle out of the way nothing could possibly enter fear with his scheme. Well unless those block heads messed it up, but he put enough fear into them to know that they wouldn't dare to.

   "Not long now my dear, and you will be mine" he said glancing up at his clock. She had five hours to retrieve her brother and sister, but he already knew how to get her to stay. It was actually quite simple once he thought about it and there would be no way she could deny him. He was full of triumph and he knew that no matter what he had won. Laughing he yelled at one of his goblins to fetch his coat.

Savannah's Point of View

   "Where am I?" She thought to herself. As far as she could tell she was in a lush green forest. The trees were not like the tree she had climbed. These trees actually looked like trees. Their bark was ruff, but it's leaves felt as soft as silk. She continued walking as she heard a crack from a little ways behind her. "Hoggle...Ludo!" She quietly yelled. There was no reply, but the cracking sound grew louder and closer. Savannah began to run and with her luck she tripped over one of the trees roots. "Are you kidding me!" She shouted looking back on the wound. It wasn't bad, but it certainly didn't feel good. She stood up and continued. The cracking had ceased, so she relaxed a little and slowed her pace.

   From out of no where this creature popped out. "What the hell is that!" She asked herself. It didn't look like anything she had ever seen, but it didn't surprise her because most of the stuff in the labyrinth was foreign to her. Well at least it was alone...then another one popped out and another. She spoke too soon. "Heyo!" One yelled. "Well aren't you pretty" said another. And before she knew it they were all singing. "Great!" She thought "Now I'm in a musical!" They continued to sing. They were taking their freaking body parts off! They tossed their heads at each other and laughed like that was normal, but after a few seconds she didn't mind it because she found them harmless-stupid-but not dangerous.

   Once they were finished they decided to jump on her. "Do yo head come off?" One questioned. Then another one interrupted him and said "We can't play now! Remember what da boss said!" And with that they were all on her. With all the weight Savannah fell to the ground. "Harmless" she heard her conscience tell her with sarcasm. One came up to her as the others held her down holding a shell. She tried to dismember their arms, but it was no use. They were strong even though they were small. The one holding the shell lowered it to her mouth and said "Drink dis". Did he honestly think she was an idiot? She turned her head in disgust. "Well lady I didn't wanna do dis" he sighed. Then the rest of them tilted her head back and in came the liquid. She did her best to spit it out, but the monster held her mouth shut forcing her to swallow. Whatever it was it tasted like crap and she instantly wanted to throw up.

   The world then began to spin. The trees became blurred and all she could say was "What was in that!" Before she lost consciousness. When she awoke she was in a cave. The only light was illuminating from a crack in the caves roof . Her head was throbbing and she was still tired from the drug. If anyone messed with her she could have surely killed them. She tried to stand, but noticed that she was tied with vines. "You think you can hold me with mire vines!" She said laughing. She pulled and tugged, but the vines were not moving. She huffed at the thought of how much time remained. "How could this get any worse!" She shouted in rage. "Trust me my dear it could be worse" she heard a voice say in the dark. She feared to open her eyes knowing who's face she would meet.

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