Chapter 10 - Was it meant to happen?

Start from the beginning

Droplets of water physically contacted my bleak skin on to my face from his. My eyes fell into his lips, it made me want to feel how his lips would move in an osculation. This exact moment I felt desolate, as if I was lying on a soft cloud that bared me dearly.

My mind was swimming nowhere but all around the story his face expressed. I profoundly consistently visually examined Tyler's daring lips when his hands followed the curves on my body.

Tyler's frozen ocean blue eyes connected with mine, this moment my mind raced into places I didn't ken I could go. Tyler leaned towards my face physically contacting my forehead with his when his lips brushed mine not inculpably as a tease but with fierce, sultry, injuctively authorizing and zealously.

I wanted to instantly pull off but I lost myself to such a minty moment my senses surely have been seduced and I couldn't cerebrate straight any longer.

"Evelyn" he whispered patiently, protracting each letter as if to savour them.

I gently smiled, my heart commenced fluttering like a butterfly at his voice, this made me clasp my hands on either side of his face. Tyler slammed his lips into mine and virtually knocked the gallon of air off my lungs. He pressed his tongue into the seam of lips at my sanction of access.

He commenced osculating me deep physically contacting each nerve with delicacy through his soft lips. I accepted it and dived into his like there was no other day.

Tyler gently let me stand in the water , it was so arctic that it sent a shiver over my spine. I didn't want to get off the water now since I was trepidacious of losing such a profound moment.

Tyler raised his hands through my waist and abstracted my white tank top. The water was unblushingly physically contacting my exposed body, I felt drained.

I was wearing a red Victoria secret bra and a dyad of denim shorts. Tyler drew his hands in every direction that my hips swayed, it felt so different and pristine.

I held his vigorous arms and swam it gently over his chest down towards his rigid abs. His curves felt so soft and bulky.

"where have you been so long gorgeous?" Tyler whispered into my auditory perceivers, the words felt like warm blood oozing off my ears.

Afore too long I felt a sultry brush on my neck, then the tender brush of his lips burning as they make contact with my neck. A hand runs through the edges of my hair as the osculations become harder and exigent. I once gain fell into his pristinely incipient touch from the commencement. Another hand slide around my waist and pulled me proximate to his intoxicating body that scented minty as he osculated me gently up my neck to lips that tasted like cherry. The scenery vanished and we got disoriented in the moment.

Next day morning 10AM

The lines of glares that shot for my ocular lids awaked me. The early morning sun was already ascended high and effulgent enough while the spring grass shone like it had gentle glow from within.

Air in the spot felt refrigerated, the same coolness was cumulated with moisture precisely. I was laying on the red bounty couch of Tyler's which settled contiguous to the sizably voluminous rectangular window of the shack.

"good morning beautiful" Tyler embraced me with a delicate forehead kiss.

I sat on the couch frozen but when those warm lips physically contacted my forehead it sent a spirit of warmth down my nerve.
I leaned into Tyler so our foreheads rest against each other's. I closed my eyes when both our breaths were shaking, exhilaration and fear both ran inside me.

"thank you" I whispered.

"for what?" Tyler replied with his low and husky voice.

"for yesterday" my voice waved exhilarated from the tension between us.

"I need to thank you if so" "I have never felt so homely with anyone else, I'm not sure if I had enough time to ken you exhaustively, but there was an urge, my heart doted everything that my ocular perceivers visually perceived in you" Tyler verbally expressed deeply starring into my eyes.

"let me get your breakfast to bed madam" Tyler verbally expressed while getting up after embracing me with a gentle hug.

I turned over and reposed my chin on the couch head deeply starring at Tyler.

Tyler was spreading avocado on the toast that he had made and sprinkled tomato on top as if he was adorning a cake.
I could sense ecstasy in how he did it, for a moment it looked as if he was blissfully absorbed in a feeling of dote that played reaction in his subtle smile and soft gaze.

Then he brought it over one plate, his and mine, the breakfast integrated rhythm to the whole scene.

For the first time I could see every day of my future and I wanted it to stay and be a component of it more than anything given to me at that point. I wanted the relationship to be a thing that sailed so that we both could grow old together.

When I broke up with my first boyfriend it was literally the worst feeling that I have ever experienced. I wondered if I could ever date someone the way I did date him.
My mind used to evolve over every dearie moment of us together for a long while. I realized that it's going to take a long time for me to expunge every recollection of him and move on with someone else.
I caught my boyfriend cheating which was a fair reason for me to break up and get mad at. I literally hated him at that moment but I couldn't digest the fact that I was going to lose him.
Last night the waterfall scene was merely different it felt like something aeonianly, I didn't want the scene evanescing to an extent where I recall every little moment that took place.

That was something I didn't want fading from my recollection. At that point it made me feel like I knew Tyler for more than a million years, it expunged all the evil and negativity that circumvented me. It was just him that I wanted to envelope and be sealed with till death.

Tyler snapped his finger across my face which made me escape from my profound day dreaming sessions.

"can we commence?" he asked while pouring a glass of wine.

"we never verbalized about yesterday?" I asked Tyler in a soft tone taking his hand more proximate to me.

"I just can't believe it's transpiring to me I'm trying to digest the whole thing that happened. Especially in this dead forest, I was staying all by myself never even dreamt of a scenario where I would spend a night with a gorgeously articulated girl in the waterfall who will be embracing me with utmost softness as if she was given a frangible possession to secure" Tyler whispered grabbing my hand and entangling his fingers with mine.

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