Chapter 5- Making A Video And Meeting New People Is Fun!

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Crystal, it's nice to meet you, I'm Tony and this is Jaime." He spoke as I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet both of you, too." I replied, shaking Jaime's hand this time.

"So, why are you here? And where's Vic?" Tony asked.

"We wanted to cause some drama so we decided to sneak off the bus." I explained.

"So, wanna watch some TV?" I asked, sitting next to Tony on the couch.

"Sure, I think The Simpsons is on eleven, if you wanna watch that?" Tony asked.

"Fuck yeah, 'The Simpsons' is awesome!" I exclaimed, changing the channel.

After only a couple of minutes, Vic bounced into the bus.

When he saw Mike and me he exclaimed, "Crystal! Mike!"

"Shh, we're watching 'The Simpsons'." I hushed.

"Crystal, you need to get back to your bus." He spoke.

"No, I don't wanna leave my besties, I wanna stay here the night." I pouted, putting an arm around Tony and the other around Mike.

"Fine, I'll go tell All Time Low you're staying here." He sighed.

"I'll come with you, I need to get clothes and some other things." I added, standing up. I jumped put of the bus, Vic following close behind. We walked in a peaceful silence to the ATL tour bus.

We hopped in to find all four boys on the couch.

"Hey guys, I'm spending a night on the PTV tour bus, I'll see you tomorrow at around twelve, or whenever you wake up." I spoke, then walked off to the beds, where my stuff was. After getting my clothes, iPod and sketchbook, we walked back to the PTV bus.

When we hopped in I remembered something.

"Which is my bed?" I asked the boys.

"Right, about that... We don't have any spare beds, so..." Vic trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"I'll just sleep on the couch then." I grinned and jumped into a free spot on the couch to watch Futurama.

After awhile, the boys all went to bed. I quickly changed into some pyjamas and fell asleep on the couch.

.: The Next Day :.

I was woken up by the bus door opening. I looked over to see Kellin, Justin, Gabe, Jesse and Jack, or, if you want, Sleeping With Sirens.

"Hey Crystal, what are you doing here?" Kellin asked me.

"I would expect it to be obvious, since I'm in my pyjamas, that I'm having a sleep over on the PTV bus." I answered.

"Oh, right, well, anyways, Crystal meet Jack, Justin, Jesse and Gabe." He pointed to everyone as he said their names.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the rest of Sleeping With Sirens." I spoke, smiling.

"You guys can watch TV while I wake up the boys." I stood up and walked to the bed room.

"Guys! Get up, you lazy butts! Sleeping With Sirens is here! They're your guests so treat them nicely!" I shouted, waking everyone up. They all groaned and got up out of bed.

"Morning, Crystal." Vic spoke tiredly, smiling at me.

"Morning, Vic. Morning to the rest of you." I said then walked back to the lounge room.

"So, anything important happening today?" I asked to everyone in general.

"Well, at four, All Time Low is meeting up with their crew members. So, you'll probably join in with that, but nothing else." Kellin informed me.

"Okay, so, being lazy until about ten to four, sounds good." I nodded.

.: About Ten to Four :.

I was sat on the ATL bus, playing 'Little Big Planet', when I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was the crew, so I stood up and walked over to where the boys were, at the front, letting the crew in.

"I'd like everyone to meet Crystal Wolf. She is Rian's adopted daughter." Alex explained.

"Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you." I spoke, waving shyly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Crystal. I'm one of the new guys in the crew, my name is Riley, that's Brandon and that's Jim." Riley introduced.

"Well, come on in everyone." Alex said. We walked into the back room, where I continued where I left off on 'Little Big Planet'.

"Hey, Crystal." Riley smiled strangely, sitting next to me.

"Hey, Riley." I said, not even glancing at him.

"Since we're gonna be hanging out a lot why don't we get to know each other more?" He asked me. I could see, from the corner of my eye, he was staring into my eyes.

"Sure, but there isn't much to tell, really." I shrugged.

"Well, how about you tell me why you were in an orphanage." He suggested.

"My parents were murdered when I was little because they owed a lot of money to this guy. I've been in the orphanage until a few days ago." I explained.

"Okay, simpler questions: favourite colour?"

"Eh, probably aqua. Leaning more towards a green shade."

"Favourite song?"

"Too many to choose from."

"Favorite band?"

"Again, too many."

"Favourite sport?"

"I don't really like sport."


"Drawing, singing, writing, reading, animating and playing instruments."

"What do you play?"

"All guitars and piano."

"What's the time?"

"Six thirty."

"Well, thanks for talking, but I have a meeting with my boss. I'll see you 'round." He waved before leaving.

I wish I could say that was fun. Sadly, it was so boring. Can't he think of something creative? Like: would you rather a unicorn that shoots lasers out if its horn or a unicorn that farts and poops rainbows? Or both?

I got off the PS3 and went to my bed, grabbing my sketchbook.

I know what you're thinking: 'I was being an ass because I didn't look at him or socialize much', but there was something bugging me. Something's wrong and I can't work out what it is.

Using my frustration of not knowing what was wrong and not knowing what bad things were to come, I began to draw. It was a man with his hoodie up, covering most of his face, looking down. I guess he looked depressed, until I drew one of his hands in his hoodie pocket, the other holding a bloody knife, a psychotic smile being the only feature on his face you could see.

I knew why I drew this. He was one of the murderers. He and two others. Of course, he didn't actually wear a hood, I just don't remember their faces.

A/N Thanks for reading! Tell me in the comments if you rather a unicorn who shoots lasers out of its horn or poops and farts rainbows! Or both!

Peace out, my devil unicorns!


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