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Jace Simens

"Can we address the elephant in the room?" Ken busted out after a long minute of silence.

"Which is?" Charla asked though she seemed as if she really didn't care.

"I've seen both Jace, and Ethan's dick, and they won't have a threesome with me." He said as if that was one hundred percent normal.

"You've seen my boyfriend's dick?" Ethan said suddenly now interested in the conversation.

"Yes- I mean no! Maybe?" He tried to get out of the situation quickly. Ethan looked toward me for an explanation and I sighed.

"Twitter messages." I explained going red.

"Anyways. As I was saying, if Ethan can give Jace thigh hickeys, I want so-"

"Kendrick Peter Lewis! Don't even try it." I said eyeing him harshly. He was getting bolder with his flirts and even began to flirt with Ethan and Sam. He was just a mess.

"Fine. Whatever, I have Sam and Charla anyways." He shrugged.

"No you don't. That was a drunken mistake, never happening again. And you threw up on my dick!" Sam said disgust evident in his face.

"I threw up because you kept forcing it so far down my damn throat! And you bite mines-"

"And I though we agreed to not talk about that!" Charla said hitting both their arms.

"You three had a- you know what... I don't wanna know." I said turning my attention to Kaitlyn. We'd met her at the movies during the summer time, she was out going, and loud so her and Charla instantly clicked.

"I remember walking in. I was so drunk I just thought y'all were wrestling." Julia said. "I'm never drinking again." She giggled afterwards.

"You know what, I'm going, Ethan and I have business to take care of." I said dusting imaginary dust off my pants.

"In simplistic terms; you're going to have a have hot steamy sex without me?" Ken said glaring at us both.

"Now Ken. You know how much I love you, but I promise if you ever-And I mean ever, think about even getting close enough to breathe on my boyfriend, I will not hesitate to slap you to an early grave."

"Who knew Jace could get so mean." He said cowering away.

"That was fucking sexy." Ethan whispered in my arm grabbing my backside harshly causing me to yelp.

"We gotta go, like now." I urged pushing Ethan out the door.

"Jace we're at your house." Charla said before Ethan and I could reach the door.

"Ok then leave, bye! Everyone out. We have business to take care of." I urged ushering them out one by one.

"Actually... can I stay the night. My parents are arguing now and I don't want to be home for that." Julia asked in her soft spoken voice.

"Of course. Just stay down here for now... and turn the TV up." I smiled at her.

"All the way." Ethan added causing me to nod my head furiously.

"Alright, where do we start." I said looking at the plenty of gifts and wrapping paper we'd had set up in my room. And they probably think we're fucking.

"The big ones obviously. Save the easiest for last." He smiled causing me to groan. The only reason we'd got caught in the predicament is because Ethan and I decided to skip our senior meeting to have sex (obviously). But that only resulted in our patents getting called, and us being stuck with wrapping everyone else's presents. How we ended up with so many, I don't know.

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