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Jace Simens

"I think I need to see a therapist again." I sighed leaning closer to Ethan as he leaning his seat back so we could get more comfortable.

"Again?" Ethan questioned.

"Can we not talk about this." Jayla said tears almost threatening her eyes. It was a really sensitive topic for both of us. There was an unspoken rule that we'd never talk about it, but it was the main cause of me hiding so far back in my head, not letting anyone see the real me.

"No-" I started my voice wavering a little, "I want to tell him." She looked at me as if I was crazy before nodding slowly.

Ethan said something along the lines of tell me what, but I was to busy almost having an attack to realize it. I quickly pulled myself together slowing my breathes, listening to Ethan's heartbeat, and taking in his smell. He really was my antidote.

"Um so. When we were like ten,-"

"-We were at a birthday party. It was a public place in a mall that was in Florida. We'd only gone there for my cousin. It was supposed to be a turnaround trip but-" I hesitated taking in a deep breathe, "At the party, I was taken. I thought it was one of my uncles, or cousins and they'd asked me to help them with something. I went with him and realized quick enough the man was up no good. I begged to get out the car, wanting to go back to my parents. I screamed, cried, everything. When we got to his house he immediately locked me in his basement. I- I-" my voice broke horribly at the sound of Jayla's sobs. I took in another breath holding in sobs myself.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." He ran his fingers through my hair kissing me softly. I calmed a little ready to finish the story.

"I was down there for three days, no food, no water, nothing. It was so dark and cold, I didn't get an ounce of sleep. One time he came down there and told me I was his now, and that no one was coming for me, I was stuck with him forever. He almost-" I broke down again not able to hold it in. "He almost raped me, the only reason he didn't was because his dog basically saved me. Though I was still trapped there. But after those days I was found, thanks to Jayla, and I will forever be in her debt. But that fucked me up, horribly. I was only ten, and I hid everything from that point on. I didn't talk for about two years after that, and after I started talking again, I blocked off everything. I basically had no emotions, and I liked it like that," I paused trying my best to keep my voice steady.

"Then?" He wiped some of my tears away kissing my cheek softly.

"Then, you. After that drunken hookup, I started to feel things I'd blocked off for years. And it's only getting better and worse, with all the happiness, the pain follows. And the pain almost overshadowed everything today. I was so irritated and annoyed that I was feeling again, but when I talked to you, and when you're around I feel-"

"Happy." Jayla finished for me smiling through her broke expression.


"Mom, I'm gay." I told my mirror basically practicing coming out. After telling Ethan about my past we talked a little more with Jayla before going to an arcade to blow off all the steam. Though Ethan and I ended up leaving her to make out in the bathroom.

"Mom I like guys." I tried a different approach. I truly wasn't sure what I liked, all I knew right now was Ethan was the only person on my mind.

"Mom I'm fucking Ethan Belle." I joked giggling a little.

"You're what?!" I jumped at the sound of her voice. I looked back seeing she had dropped the laundry basket that was once in her hands.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

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