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Jace Simens

I woke up Saturday with a raging boner due to what'd I'd been dreaming about. Of course it has something to do with Ethan, but I didn't want to think of that now.

Today he was coming over to help me with Algebra II, my grade had tremendously dropped in there after the last test we'd taken. My mom insisted that I asked him and when I kept telling her no, she just went and called his mom. She was probably the worst person to take a hint at not wanting to see someone, but that's just a problem I had to deal with now.

I got up sighing deciding that taking a cold shower would have to do since I didn't want to deal with my little problem. I searched the bathroom cabinet for the preparation I needed... just in case Ethan and I got a little friendly.

After showering, I grabbed my laptop turning a random GTA video on waiting for Ethan to get here.

I heard the bell ring before hearing Ethan's mom greeting my mom. I sat up closing my laptop getting out my algebra work, a pencil, and a calculator. I skimmed over the problems a little noticing I really had no idea how to do any of this shit.

"Hey Jace." Ethan said walking through my opened door. We had never finished what we started that Wednesday after detention but I didn't hold him to it. I was super confused after my talk with Jayla, yet knew all I needed to know. I knew my body liked Ethan, but did my heart?

"Sup'." I said trying to act as if I wasn't freaking out on the inside. He knew exactly how to control my emotions, even if he didn't do it knowingly.

He sat next to me on the bed and I pushed the work closer to him.

"This is easy." He said giggling.

"It's obviously not to me if I'm failing. Are you going to help me or are you just here to talk shit." I huffed out.

"Fine. Sorry. Let's get to work."

After an agonizing two hours of being super close to Ethan, we finished the assignment and I was caught up in my class. And incredibly horny.

"Thank you." I said scooting a bit away from him, finally being able to breathe.

"It's nothing. Now... what were we doing the last time we were alone?" He smirked getting up closing my door making sure to lock it.

I sat there knowing what he was talking, about but couldn't get the words to come out. "I don't know." I said finally-seeing as it was the only thing that decided to come from my mouth.

"I'll show you." Now we were face to face and I could feel his breathe on the side of my face and my breath began to hitch.

Who knew Ethan could be so horny? He was the one always telling us to slow down on sex.

He leaned forward planting a soft kiss on my cheek before moving to the other one and doing the same. I stood there in a bit of a daze until I felt his lips attatch themselves to mine. I immediately kissed back, no longer having any time to be shy.

The kiss got heated intensely and I felt his hand go under my shirt gripping my waist tightly. I let out a short moan at the pain and he chuckled seductively. If I didn't know before, now I was sure he controlled me and he knew it. Not that I was complaining.

He then kissed me hard rubbing his thumb over the spot on my hip that'd probably bruise tomorrow. He broke the kiss off going in for my neck making me let out a louder moan. I noticed that I'd definitely never been a moaner until he came into my sex life.

He bit down on my neck hard, but not enough to draw any blood making me gasp in pleasure. He sucked and kissed the spot only causing me to moan more.

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