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Jace Simens

It's been a week and neither Ethan or I have talked to each other. The only forms of communication we had were when we were at the lunch table and looked over at each other. Other than that... nada.

I'd be lying if I said the moment we shared wasn't etched into my brain. It was like every time I looked at him I remember the way he pulled my hair while fucking me senselessly.

Geez I need to get that out my head.

Right now I was stuck in detention because I called my teacher an old hag, but she was annoying the fuck out of me. It's not my fault she wanted to be on her period today. Her old ass probably doesn't even get periods anymore, her cooch is probably on Sahara Desert.

I giggled at my own jokes causing Mr. Mount to glare at me. He knew I caused trouble seeing as I was here probably every other day.

"Shut it Simens." He ordered. I glared at him before putting my head down waiting for this twenty minutes to be over.

Then to my surprise someone walked in causing me to shoot my head up. I immediately made eye contact with Ethan causing me to blush a bit. Ugh I never fucking blush.

"You're late." Mr. Mount said to Ethan.

"I had football practice." He retorted.

"Whatever, take a seat by Simens." My head again shot up and I started fidgeting my fingers. I'm never nervous, what the fuck is going on?

"Hey." Ethan greeted sitting by me.

"Hi." I said thinking of why he chose now to talk to me. I mean it's not as if I talked to him either but still. "What're you here for."

"Playing with Mel in class." He said making me deadpan. I don't know why this annoyed me so much, but I ignored it.

"You move on fast. Emily was just last week." I said faking a chuckle.

"Not like that," he said with a look of disgust. "Ew. Mel is like a sister to me." He said relieving me.

"Ethan. Be quiet." The teacher scolded causing Ethan to be shut-up. He was always a bit of a teachers pet, usually preferred not to get in trouble and had good grades. The exact opposite of me, well... behavior wise, my grades aren't too bad.

After that, time flew past as if it was never there and the detention bell rang. Everyone got up leaving immediately, even the teacher. I stayed in my seat checking my phone telling my mom I was finally out of detention.

"Are you coming?" Ethan said getting up from his chair.

"Nah, gonna wait on my mom." I responded scrolling through Instagram. That might explain why I'm shifting in my seat after seeing a picture one of the football player posted with Ethan in it. I mean... he was only shirtless. But those abs, those arms, just everything.

He took the phone from my hands giving me a serious expression.

"We need to talk." He said simply.

"About what. The fact that I had a panic attack, or the fact that you fucked me until I could barely walk?" I said, surprising even myself at the last part. I hadn't meant to been so blunt, but my mouth ran on its own sometimes.

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