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Jace Simens

I had avoided Jayla like the plague, the last two days. I didn't want her to confront me about the actions that went on in my room. I definitely didn't want to talk about it, especially since she probably heard everything. Everyone in the house probably did.

No matter how hard I tried to stay quiet, all I could do was yell, beg, and scream for more.

I hate Ethan.

I yelped as I was tugged under the stairs in the hallway. I looked over about to scold the person before seeing a smiling Ethan looking my way.

I moved towards him kissing him briefly before then deciding to scold him. "Why did you drag me under here." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"To get a kiss. But seeming as I already got one, I'll be on my way." He said causing me to tug him back. He wasn't about to get away before I got a full on kiss out of him.

He smirked leaning down to kiss me passionately. I moaned into the kiss, while trying to be as quiet as possible. It was passing time and I didn't need anyone seeing me make out with Ethan Belle, even though I wouldn't really care if they did. If I cared what people thought about me I'd be miserable, people had a lot of crazy ideas about me. Especially since I'm more in the wild side.

"Someones eager." He said pulling back making me whine a bit before stomping away. If he was going to tease me I wasn't going to be there, stuck with a boner when I had class in one minute.

"Jay! Come on! I was kidding." He yelled after me. I stuck up my middle finger at him, smiling to myself continuing my way to class.

I thought about how happy he truly made me feel. It was a foreign thing to feel around someone other than my close family members. Now I'm not saying my friends don't make me happy, but this was a different happy. A happy I usually hid from the world, a happy that you get once in a life time that you think will never last because it's just too good to be true.

Wow, Ethan's making me a damn sap.

"What're you so happy about?" Charla said making me realize how much I was smiling.

"Nothing." I fixed myself into a calmer- more me mood.

"Fine don't tell me. Anyways..." She said biting her lip slightly, "Who're you asking to homecoming. Sam and Kendrick already asked me. But I don't know who to go with. Sam will probably be drunk off his ass by the time he gets there, and Ken can't dance, but Ken is so fucking sexy, and he won't be drunk. Yet we all know Sam and I have this weird thing going on." She said sighing, her ramble finally coming to an end.

"You're telling me this... Why?" I shrugged. She was the type of person who wanted to have girl talk with any and everyone. I loved her to death, but not enough to talk about boys, girls, clothes or whatever the hell she feels like ranting about that moment with her.

"Should I ask Ethan if he wants to go .He can dance and he's hot. Oh and he won-"

"No." I said unconsciously. I had an idea of why I said but I didn't know how I felt about it. I honestly wanted Ethan all to myself right now and thinking of him even going to homecoming with Charla-who's actually his first girlfriend made me more annoyed than I cared to admit.

"Why not. He's not going with anyone, he never does. I just want to look cute. I'm obviously winning homecoming princess, I mean- look at me." She said as we entered our fifth period. She was right, she was absolutely stunning. I won't lie and say I was a bit jealous of Ethan when he managed to get her to go out with him. But that was grade school, nothing to worry about now... Maybe...

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