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Jace Simens

We were all sitting at the lunch table joking around when Emily came and sat down immediately causing everyone to quiet down the laughter. Sensing something was off, she immediately began giving questionable stares towards everyone.

"What?" She said a bit harshly. She was never one to handle her problems with ease.

"You haven't seen the video..." I started feeling everyone shoot glares my way. "It's everywhere." I finished with a smirk. I never personally liked her. She was always rude and acted as if I was the dirt under her shoe.

"Jay. Stop." Ethan warned me. Ethan was one of my best friends but also happened to be a good loving boyfriend to the she-devil we call Emily. It's just in her name to be evil, Emily, typical white girl, stuck up, pretty face, horrible attitude, type stuff.

"What video?" She said anger lacing her voice.

"Don't wor..."

"What fucking video?!" She now yelled causing people to stare in her direction. By now her whole face had gone red with anger, I wouldn't be surprised if she had fumes coming out her ears.

I pulled my phone out, swiftly showing her the video that had been airdropped around in almost all my classes.

"Jesus! I thought my nudes were being leaked again." She said in relief. What a dumb bitch.

"So it is you?" Ethan said a little disappointed. In the video she was making out with a guy with her hand down his pants.

"No! I- I mean yes. But- it was fore-" this time it was his turn to cut her off slamming his fist into the table.

"We're over." He said simply walking off, leaving her flustered. I felt relieved that she would finally stop hanging around us. Damn, maybe I'm the bitch... Nope it's still her.

I got up immediately to follow him, but not before grabbing my phone back from her hands. I headed after Ethan seeing him walk into the bathroom probably wanting to punch something again.

He flinched when he saw me but that didn't effect him.

"You finally got what you wanted." He fake cheered, making me feel a little bad. Just a little though. Ethan and I weren't the closet out of the friend group but I'd still bend mountains for him. It's just how we all rolled.

"Why were you with her anyways? She was an self absorbed asshole?"

He sighed in frustration probably getting heated at what I said. Him and I usually don't see eye to eye on things so we bicker a bit. Maybe too much. Ok, all the time.

"Why can't you just mind your fucking business Simens?!" He spit harshly.

By this point I was feeling like shit. He was tore up over that plastic doll. She barely showed interest in him, this isn't the first time she'd done this, and like I said before. I frankly just don't like her.

"She wasn't any good anyways. I did you a favor." I shrugged.

I could tell he was getting angrier by the second but he'd never put his hands on me. He was about a good three inches taller than me and definitely more buff, seeing as he was on the football team. He could squash me, but he wouldn't. Well I was beginning to doubt that when he started towards me.

"Why do you always do this?" By now he was getting closer to me pinning me on the wall. I could smell his aftershave clear in my nose, but now I was a little scared. He had never done anything like this.

"You're mad at me for helping you out?!" I yelled trying not to show my fear. By now his face was about and inch from to mines and he was oozing hatred.

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