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Jace Simens

I walked into the school feelings extra moody today. This was new to me, I'd never really showed my emotions or expressed so them spitting out of me like this had me on edge.

I looked around glaring at anyone who stared at me for no particular reason before heading towards my locker.

"You alright?" Ethan asked me as I opened my locker. I felt myself tense up a bit before already feeling better.

"Honestly, no," I said still in my locker. I wasn't really getting anything from it, kind of just doing whatever, "But now that you're here. I actually feel like I don't wanna slap the shit out if someone."

"Aggressive. Kinda hot." He joked.

I finally gotten what I needed out if my locker and decided to not be late to class. I definitely didn't need another suspension.

"Anyways... Walk me to class?"

"But I have D block today." He whined a little making me roll my eyes.

"If you don't walk me, I'll put you on D block." I threaten causing him to immediately start leading the way.

Do what I say like I'm daddy. I thought to myself smirking while totally checking out his ass.

"You know, I think we should try something new." He slowed down a bit so we were walking side by side.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"Just know it's gonna to be fun, and you'll be begging for me." He said whispering the last part in my ear just for me to ear. I shivered visibly, already becoming a little turned on. He need to stop this in school or I'd fuck him where we stood.

"Fine. But..." I said not really knowing what I was going to say, "This is my class." I said before turning towards him. He looked around-as if checking to see if people were watching before pecking my lips quickly. I hummed in satisfaction blushing a little. Stupid fucking emotions.

"I'll see you at lunch..." he paused pondering what he was going to say, "Baby." He finally let out before rushing off leaving me a flustered mess. I officially hate Ethan Belle.

I shrugged it off heading into class immediately feeling my irritation seep back in. This is going to be a long day.


"Bro, Ethan should totally hook up with Jenny, right?" Ben asked in my third period. I ignored his conversation with the other football players shifting my hands into a fist.

Five more minutes. Five more minutes. Four more minutes. I thought watching the clock which was clicking too slowly for me.

"Yo, Jace?" A guy named Ten asked looking at me.

"Who do you think Ethan would be better with, you're one of his friends," He started and I had to stop myself from scoffing and spitting in his face. Let's just say I have bad impulses, "Jenny Francisco, or Taylor Vonn?"

"Don't care." I answered. I'd never been to fond with football players, all they did was talk about girls, drugs, and drinks, and well, I mean I did that too, it wasn't as much as they do it. It's like they live girls, drink drugs, and breathe drinks. Maybe I should've worded that differently, but that's not the point.

"Didn't you hook up with Taylor?" Ben suddenly intruded.

"Why?" Looking at the time was certainly not a good idea because time was barely moving.

"Because then you can give us experience on who's better for Et-"

"Listen. Leave me out of your bro talks, and go annoy someone else." I said a little more harsh than I'd expected. I was so annoyed today that there was definitely something fucking with my head. I felt as if everything was trying to push out at once and it was only causing me to burst.

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