"I won't be battling as Grace, I'll be Storm Brooke," I say with a devious grin.

Keith smiled and wrapped an arm around me.

"That's my girl," he whispered.

"Well it's getting late, how about we all head to my place for the night?" Marucho proposed and we nodded our heads.

Spectra's P.O.V

Marucho took a look at all the rooms.

"Since Keith joined, do you want your own room?" Marucho asked him and he shrugged his shoulder.

"Whatever you have available. I do better alone though."

He looked at me and I hid the redness in my cheeks. I leaned against the wall as Marucho spoke to me,

"Grace if you want we could probably fit you in with Mira, Julie and Runo."

A look of horror flashed across my face. Mira, I was okay with. Runo I was fine with. Julie on the other hand was another story.

"If possible I'd like my own room," I said to the girl's shock and Mira saw the look I gave to Keith and stayed silent.

"Okay, I'll give you two time to settle in and then we're having Taco night."

"Yes, it's still taco night!" Dan cheered rushing away with Shun and Ace rolling their eyes.

I walked to the room Marucho showed me and it was pretty simple.

"Hey, thought I'd stop by," Keith's voice greeted and I looked up and saw him leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey yourself. Settling in nicely, I guess. How about you? This must be pretty weird."

"Nah, it's fine now. However, my room's pretty lonely. Are you seriously going to stay here?"

I shrugged my shoulders carelessly.

"Maybe. Does that bother you?"

I knew what he was thinking. He narrowed his eyes.

"No... Of course, not..."

I kissed him lightly on the cheek, "Don't worry Keith."

He took the opportunity to pull me into his embrace and not let go.

"You can let me go," I teased.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Beats me," I say and just lean into him.

He sweeps me into his arms and takes me to his room which was across from my own.

We just sat on the bed together and talked about everything.

"Keith, do you love me?" I asked unsure.

"What makes you think I don't?" He asks and cocks his head to meet my eyes.

"I don't know, I just have these doubts that this is all one elaborate dream," I say fearfully.

"Grace, I'm more real than you know. And never doubt how much I care for you," Keith said pulling me closer.

"When did you first like me?" I asked and he pauses in thought.

"Well, I think it started as soon as you started staying over with Hydron at the palace," Keith began and his tone turned bitter at the ex-prince's name.

"I mean, you always used to live with Mira and I in Alpha City. It was empty when you left and that's when I realized I couldn't live without you in my life."

"Keith," I started, but he stops me.

"Grace, you don't need to say anything. Just let me hold you," Keith told me.

I nodded my head and we were silent until a knock registered on the door.

"Keith, we're starting dinner and didn't want to start without you or-" Mira begins and widens her eyes at the sight of me.

"Grace," Mira starts and I smiled.

"We'll be there in a minute, Mira," Keith called out to his sister who nodded and left the room.

"She seemed troubled," I laughed and he smirked, "Who wouldn't be. They can just deal with it."

"You're right there," I grin and we headed to the dining area where the other brawlers were yelling at Dan for his taco chant.

"About time you joined us. Marucho wouldn't let us start without the two of you," Ace said with crossed arms.

"Sorry, I had some down time," I apologized and took a seat beside Mira and Keith.

"Don't worry about it," Marucho explains and the dinner was out much to Dan's delight.

We commenced eating and the brawlers began to call the day over as they crashed. I bid them goodnight and slipped away into my room.

"Can't sleep?" Titan asked as I just stared into the open ceiling.

The city was pretty at night, but something was missing.

I snuck out to the main room that overlooked the skyline. Titan was on my shoulders and a male voice spoke.

"Can't sleep, either can you?"

I turned to see Dan looking at me curiously.

"Not really I'm stuck on everything that has happened today. My outburst was uncalled for."

"No worries, everyone has a bad day. The best we can do is look towards the future."

"You're right. No wonder you have so many friends. You are a good friend and team mate," I sighed.

"Nah, it's just the way things happen. If you open yourself up a little more than life is good," Dan said and stood beside me.

"I'm pretty stoked to battle tomorrow," Dan said excited and I nodded my head.

"I won't be easy Dan," I taunted and Dan smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

We both laughed quietly and sighed.

"Well if I'm going to win, I'm going to crash and catch some zees."

I nodded my head as Dan left and I tiptoed tothe room across from mine and slid into the warm bed. I nestled my head besidethe sleeping figure who acknowledged my presence. I closed my eyes and foundsleep at last. 

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