"Why not? You never know when a gauntlet might come in handy," Billy objected.

"What's wrong Shun? Is everything okay?" I asked him and he turns to me.

"Something feels wrong," he said looking to me for agreement.

"Don't worry, I feel it too, but I can't describe it just yet," I told him and he nodded his head.

Kato then appeared on screen interrupting our thoughts.

"Master Marucho, your chief technician wanted me to inform you that everything is ready."

"Fantastic. Tell them we'll be right there," Marucho responded and ended the call.

"What test is he talking about?" Dan asked and Marucho just laughed.

Marucho led us through his house to a floor where a bunch of adults were at work.

"Come on guys, follow me," Marucho said leading us to the center of the room.

"Awe man, what is this place?" Dan wondered.

"it's like we're in some kind of video game," Ace observed in awe.

"Hopefully, it's a good video game," I say unsure.

"Actually Ace, you're not really that far off. This is the operation room for the online virtual reality system I built called bakugan interspace," Marucho introduced.

"What the heck is bakugan interspace?" Dan asked as puzzled as the rest of us.

"Well you guys remember when we were first introduced to our bakugan we thought they and the cards were just part of a game," Marucho started and Dan agreed.

"I remember, Shun and I even made some of the rules," Dan revealed and I turn to see Shun in the back of the group and I walked to join him.

"Is that true?" Mira inquired a little upset.

I was too. The way Dan stated it was as bad as the Vestals treated bakugan before finding out the truth.

"We bakugan were treated like useless pawns," Drago voiced out.

"I'm really sorry buddy," Dan said with sad eyes, "That was before we knew you were living beings just like us."

"It's not your fault," Drago assured him.

"I wanted to see if I could bring back the fun elements of the game but in a virtual form. That way, no bakugan would be harmed. So, I secretly started this project and I've been working on it in my spare time," Marucho revealed to us and I watched in amazement.

I was good in technology, but this was pretty impressive for humans as I've learned we had been more advanced.

"Looks like Billy isn't the only one here who likes surprises," Runo said with a grin.

"I don't see what's so great about surprises. They're totally overrated," Ace claimed.

"Unless you're talking about surprise birthday parties. Especially when there's ice cream and cake," Baron pointed out causing me to laugh.

"Okay, let me understand this. Kids from all over the world can battle each other in this virtual arena anytime they want just by logging on?" Mira said excited.

"Yes, that's basically it," Marucho summed up.

"Big deal, it sounds more like a chatroom," Shun said shooting the idea down.

"Nope, this is way cooler," Marucho remarked ignoring Shun.

"Oh, would you quit stalling then? Tell us about it," Preyas, Marucho's bakugan said.

"Yes, Master Marucho, tell us. Tell us." Elfin agreed.

"Well, after several months of research and lots of trial and error, my team of computer engineers and technicians have finally figured out a way to convert people to data and then import that data into the virtual world," Marucho continued.

I displayed a horrified look beside Shun. I didn't like the idea of being transported into a game. If something went wrong, I could possibly die.

"Awesome," everyone exclaimed and I stood with Shun unsure of this.

"Well, that's the theory," Marucho said and I saw the one flaw in his plan.

"What do you mean theory?" Elfin asked him.

"So, you mean that..." Runo began.

"We get to test it out?" Mira asked interested.

"That's right, if you want to. I was going to do it myself, but since you're all here..." Marucho offered.

"I don't know Master Marucho, it sounds pretty risky. Are you sure?" Elfin asked wary.

"Elfin's right, I'm not sure you should make yourself into a test guinea pig," Preyas said siding with Elfin.

"Don't worry, my staff have run every safety test," Marucho reassured his bakugan.

He then turned to faced us, "But if any of you are unsure, I understand. Bakugan interspace is a great way for us to practice our brawling though while we hide out from the Vexos. So, what do you say?"

"I say I'm in. Sign me up," Dan said joining Marucho on the pedestal.

One by one, each of the brawler rushed over excitedly to join Marucho. Soo, Shun and I were the last two standing.

"You coming Shun, Grace?" Dan asked curious.

"I don't think so, not this time Dan," Shun said turning him down.

"Come on Shun, there's no reason to be scared," Dan pouted.

"I'm not scared, I have something urgent I need to attend to," Shun told him harshly.

"What are you being so uptight about Shun?" Mira asked worried.

"Leave him is he doesn't want to come. Grace too," Ace said and flashed me a grin.

"You're missing out, Grace."

"I'll pass, besides someone needs to hold down the fort in case something happens," I say.

"Maybe next time," Marucho says optimistically, "Let's get this party started! Commence testing please!"

When they were gone, I turn to Shun confused.

"Why didn't you join them?" I ask in a serious tone.

"The same reason why you didn't," Shun answered and I nodded my head.

I didn't trust Billy. And who knows where he came from.

"Let's go investigate," I tell him and he nods his head.

We scoured through the security feed trying to find some evidence that something was off.

"When did you start feeling uneasy?" Shun asked me and I thought deeply.

"As soon as Billy arrived," I told him and he nodded his head bringing up the feed of just after Billy arrived.

In the fuzzy frame, you could see two figures hiding behind a wall trying to remain undetected. I widened my eyes.

"That's Mylene and Shadow Prove," I tell him tensely.

Shun looks at me and has the picture printedout. We both glanced at it realizing one thing. We had been discovered, allthanks to Billy.

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