"I am a descendant of German nobility," the stranger began and I was lost.

"You are?" I said still lost.

"But on Vestal, I'm known more as a young real estate tycoon," the stranger rambled on not revealing who he was.

"What?" Baron said lost as much as Ace and I were.

"But what you really should know is," the stranger's Sirenoid started.

That got me thinking of my own Sirenoid who was tucked into my pocket. We battle together for a long time, but after Titan came, Sirenoid deemed herself unworthy to be my partner and passed the role to Titan. She still stuck around though adding her two cents every once in a while.

The stranger took his suit off to reveal high class clothing.

"Together with the battle brawlers, I helped free New Vestroia as a bakugan brawler. I am the Aquos Prince Klaus von Hertzon," the stranger introduced themselves finally.

"And he's also my hero," Klaus' Sirenoid blushed.

"I knew I recognized from somewhere. Hey Ace, I told you about this guy. On earth, he was Master Dan's strongest rivals."

"Just tell us what you're doing here on Vestal," Ace stated flatly and I scoffed.

"For quite some time now, we've been funding the important research that Dr. Michael's been conducting. That relationship led to me taking part in the test run of the newly upgraded dimension transporter system. First, I went to New Vestroia to meet up with Sirenoid. Then together we came to Vestal where we've made a home for ourselves," Klaus explained.

"Is the transporter system how Mira made her way to earth?" Ace asked.

"If it weren't for the generous support from the Klaus foundation, interdimensional transportation wouldn't be where it is today," Sirenoid informed us.

"Alright, let's go, shall we?"

Klaus snapped his finger and I attached amazed at the sight. The water had completely receded revealing the pathway.

"Where exactly are, we going?" Baron asked and I wondered the same thing.

"To my castle of course," Klaus answered, "We'll use some of the transporter technology and we'll send out a message to Dan and the others on earth."

Baron, Ace and I exchanged weary looks.

"Is there a problem gentlemen and lady?"

"How did you know we wanted to contact Dan Kuso and the other brawlers?" I asked skeptical.

"Like I said before, it's my business to be in the now. I never fall behind because. I'm always one step ahead," Klaus answered and resumed walking.

We followed along the path and Klaus spoke, "Ace, my boy, I have so much to teach you."

"Dude, I told you before, quit calling me boy," Ace said annoyed which caused me to laugh as we walked towards his castle.

I stopped about halfway and Klaus turned around.

"Is something troubling you Grace?" he asked and I shook my head.

"No, but do you have somewhere private I can go, preferably where no one can eavesdrop," I asked him kindly as to make sure Baron and Ace didn't hear.

Klaus gave me a long look.

"Of course, I can show you once we get inside."

I nodded my head grateful.

We entered into a grand area and while Baron and Ace looked in awe of the area, Klaus pulled me aside and led me to a room.

"We'll wait outside for you," Klaus informed me and I gave him a thank you.

Once I was sure that Klaus was gone, I pulled out my communicator. I knew doing this was potentially dangerous, but I needed to talk to him again. I had to let him know I was alive.

I called and surprisingly he answered.

As we talked, I felt myself get more relaxed. That is until he wanted to know my location. I didn't want to tell him as that would make the Resistance mad. I was the leader. Finally, I broke and told him and he hung up on me. I made a face afterwards, but knew he was coming. I just hope Dan and the others would come back in time.

"Hey Grace, you okay?" I hear Baron ask and I turn to see him enter the room.

"I'm fine Baron, I'm just thinking of what will happen," I say trying to hide my conversation with Spectra.

"No sweat about it. We'll be fine. Master Dan and the others will be back in time to help us. Klaus just wanted me to let you know that the communicators ready. We're ready to send a message to Dan on earth."

I nodded my head, "Then let's go."

We were in Klaus' office where a screen was pulled up of Dan and the brawlers.

While Dan was complimenting Klaus' wardrobe choice, Baron butted in.

"Guys, you've got to help us, they've come back."

"Hydron and his posse of Vexos scums," Ace added.

Dan and the others gasped.

"You can't be serious," Dan said and I frowned.

"I'm so sorry Master Dan. Hydron ambushed us at the park and took the Haos energy," Baron apologized and I nodded my head.

"Just don't beat yourself up Baron. They're stronger now. If Klaus and Sirenoid hadn't stepped in, Mylene would have taken my Darkus energy too."

"And they sent their threat to me while I was with Baron which means their coming," I frowned.

"So, it looks like the Vexos are calling us out," Dan observed.

"Just like the ancients said. They're after our six attribute energies for the BT system," Drago said.

"And now that they've got the Haos energy, they're one step closer to activating it," Mira stated and looked at me.

"At least they don't have the element of surprise anymore. And they don't have Grace to unlock the security block on the BT system," Shun said shedding some light on the situation.

I nodded my head and frowned, "We still need you guys to come back. Or else the Vexos will outnumber us and they won't stop until they take the energies."

Mira nodded her head, "We're on our way. Be safe, Grace."

I nodded my head and we ended the call. 

Fight for Freedom (A Bakugan Fan-fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن