I stood behind Baron observing the battle and I could see Hydron's eyes glanced to me angrily before brightening with a smirk.

Hydron threw in Droyid and Baron seemed in shock.

"No way, he has a mechanical bakugan."

I shrugged my shoulders unimpressed. However, I felt worried for Nemus and Baron. I hated to admit it, Dryoid was strong and Hydron was a snake.

I checked the battle stats to see that Baron was down compared to Hydron's Dryoid.

Nemus: 600 G's

Dryoid: 700 G's

"Well, look at you Mr. Fancy Pants. With your big words and tough talk. But do you have the moves? Ability Activate! Knuckle Vulcan!" Hydron called out and his power increased.

Nemus: 600 G's

Dryoid: 700 + 200 = 900 G's

Dryoid shot out massive amounts of energy towards Nemus.

Baron, was not shaken though which I had to admire. He just narrowed his eyes and called on his attack.

"Ability Activate! Borehole Reflection!"

Nemus: 600 G's

Dryoid: 900 – 200 = 700 G's

"Well that was thrilling," Hydron said with a twirl of his hair.

"Hang on a sec, I got more. Ability Activate! Float Shield!"

A ring of energy floated above Dryoid and Hydron laughed.

"That's it? Pathetic. Ability Activate! Ray Blade!"

Nemus: 600 G's

Dryoid: 700 + 200 = 900 G's

I gritted my teeth at the sight. Hydron increased Dryoid's power again.

Dryoid tried to cut through the shield, but failed. This caused a grin on my face at the sight.

My grin faded though a few seconds later when the shield busted with light.

"Okay, Hydron, looks like you got some skills," Baron commented, "Too bad for you, mine are stronger."

When I looked up, I saw that the shield was still standing.

"Blast, a trap shield," Hydron swore as his power decreased.

Nemus: 600 G's

Dryoid: 900 – 200 = 700 G's

"So, man, who's diapers need changing now?" Baron taunted.

Hydron laughed darkly, "Don't get so cocky with me,"

This caused me to scoff. If anyone could be cocky, it was him.

"Keep going Baron, just tune him out."

"Why Grace? Once I take Baron out, I'm coming for you next."

I laughed at him unafraid. He could try, but it wasn't going to happen. The only way I'd cooperate is if I'd lose in battle and everything I care about. That was never going to happen though.

"Gate Card open! Devour Haos!"

The gate card opened and began to suck the life out of Nemus. Baron was in shock

"It's a command card that sucks up any attribute energy I tell it. Face it Baron, Nemus is no match for my mechanical Dryoid. I'd give up and spare him the pain." Hydron explained.

I stood watching with Titan mumbling, "He's got to do something or else he'll get creamed."

"Not to worry, Grace. I think Baron has a plan."

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