I nodded my head, "That's okay, you had to do what needed to be done. At least you tried."

I sighed and looked at everyone.

"I'm sorry guys, I just got to know you when everything is done. You guys seem like so much fun."

"Hey no sweat Grace, I'm sure we'll see each other again," Marucho cheered and Shun nodded his head.

"For sure Grace."

Dan nodded his head and looked around.

"This is more like it," he said as we all took in the bakugan around us.

"Sure is," Mira agreed, "I can't believe we pulled it off."

"This is what we fought for, Mira. Peace in New Vestroia," Dan said.

"Yes, but the battle's not over yet," Mira frowned and Dan looked at her.

"We have to go back home to Vestal."

"What if everyone knows that the bakugan are intelligent now, can't the Vestals stay?"

Drago nodded his head, "Yes as long as we all respect each other and abide by the rules. The bakugan and the Vestals can live together in peace."

"Thank you, Drago," Mira grinned and I chimed in.

"Agreed, but I don't think it's as easy as all that. Prince Hydron and the Vexos may have gone back, but they won't be gone for long. They'll want to take back New Vestroia."

"That's why we're heading back to Vestal to spread the word and stop the Vexos cold," Baron explained.

"We'll bring them to justice for enslaving the bakugan and taking the planet. But we can't do it without Wilda and the others. Can they come with us Drago?" Mira asked.

"Of course, if that is what they wish," Drago answered.

"I will go with you Mira," Wilda said, "Anywhere."

"And someone has to keep Baron out of trouble," Nemus agreed.

His remark caused me to laugh as Baron's face went red.

"Will you be joining us, Titan?" Wilda asked Titan and we both grinned.

"We're with you guys through thick and thin," Titan stated and I agreed with him full-heartedly.

Mira smiled, "And Grace will you be leader alongside me again?"

I beamed with pride at her offer.

"Of course, I won't let you down again."

"I'll go too. It has been an honour," Percival said to Drago placing a hand on top of his. Drago pulled away and Elfin laughed.

"The honour is mine," Drago said finally.

"We never did settle the question of which of us is mightier. Until we meet again then."

"I'll be waiting Percival," Drago said and I let out a noise.

"Awe, that just melts my heart," I let out.

"Hey check it out!" Marucho yelled and pointed to the floating cities.

"Alpha City must be heading home so we should get going too," Mira said sadly.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes and Mira looked at Dan.

"Looks like your ride is taking off," Dan said bluntly.

"Okay, time to go," Mira said as she, Baron, Ace and I took flight to catch up to the floating city.

"Bye everyone! Take care!" Mira waved.

"Master Dan! Don't forget me!" Baron called out.

Ace waved goodbye and joined the others.

"Thank you, brawlers, for everything. I hope we meet again!" I called out as Titan and I rushed to catch up to the others.

They all waved goodbye to us on the ground and Elfin wished us a safe flight. I turn my head and look at Titan.

"Look like we have a bright future, Titan," I tell him as we fly to the city.

"Yes, it appears we do," Titan agreed and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"I'm afraid that once the King discovers my treachery, we're going to have to work ten times harder to keep everyone safe. And I have a feeling that this isn't the last time we'll see Spectra and Helios."

"Of course, Grace, but we'll tackle that bridge when we cross it. For now, let's just go home," Titan suggested and I nodded my head.

We both then flew up to join everyone else and I felt something I haven't felt in a while. Happiness.

King Zenoheld's P.O.V

I received news of the Vexos return to vestal and it brought me great disappointment. Our attempt to colonize on New Vestroia was a complete and utter waste of my time. By now, Professor Clay should be ready to test the BT system. Of course, it won't be able to complete my plan, not yet anyways.

"King Zenoheld, I have a status report for you," the professor said bowing through the screen.

I nodded my head at him and let him give me the update, "The bakugan terminator system is finally complete. Our preliminary tests indicate its fully functional and ready to go online. Once activated, the BT system will destroy any bakugan caught in a six-thousand-kilometer radius. The only thing left to do is to gather Pyrus, Subterra, Haos, Darkus, Aquos and Ventus, the six superpower attribute energies needed to charge the system."

"Sounds like things are right on schedule. But there seems to be something you're with holding from me. What aren't you telling me, Clay?"

Professor Clay looks up to me.

"It appears that even if we gather all six attribute energies, the BT system has been blocked and will not activate its full purpose until I can get by an elaborate security scan set up and manual override. I tried to manually override it without the scan, but it appears that the scan is mandatory to override this. I attempted to do a scan, but it appears that I am not the person who can do so."

I raised an eyebrow at the news. Who would dare try such a thing? I don't recall anyone else going into the lab that day after the call with Professor Clay.

"Who's the person who can override this?" I demanded and the professor looked at me.

"Grace Hudson."

I hid my astonishment in my tone as I dismissed the professor.

"I see, continue with your work and I will deal with the security check."

"As you wish, sire," Professor Clay concluded and the call was ended.

I had my hands in fists and was fuming with anger. Grace Hudson, you have never ceased to impress me. However, now you are going to pay the consequences. When I got a hold of her, she was going to be begging on her knees for my forgiveness. After she undid her mess of course. I smiled at the wicked thought.

From what I heard from reports, Grace was in the Palace with the Resistance when Mylene took my son to retreat. She should've grabbed Grace as well and I'm sure Hydron for once was doing the right thing in arguing at the. The thought of leaving Grace behind. I will speak with the Vexos later and I will go from there.

"They may have forced me to leave Vestal, but with the BT system, I'll have vengeance against the bakugan who disgraced me."

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