"That depends. If you give me a kiss then I might. I could just hold you captive all day. I'm sure you'd like it," He teased and I sighed.

I kissed him lightly on the lips and as soon as his grip loosened, I bolted to the washroom and locked the door.

A light knock was heard at the door and I finished up and opened just a crack. I could see Spectra looking at me puzzled.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes, I just have to ask Grace why she bolted out of the bed so quickly. Am I that bad?" He stated and I crossed my arms.

"Well you can tell Spectra that he was worse. No girl would ever want him," I taunt and he looks at me lost for words.

I opened the door and take a step closer to him and whispered.

"But that's good for me. I get you all to myself."

I pull Spectra's shirt to me and our light kisses soon turned into something more. Somehow, we ended up on the bed again and I was in a state of pure bliss.

A knocking registered and Spectra and I pull apart alarmed. I knew it was Hydron, but I was terrified what he would do if he saw Spectra in my room.

"Just a minute," I called out to whoever was at the door.

I looked around the room and shoved Spectra into my closet since it was the closet place to put him.

I signalled him to be quiet and ignored his protest. He tried to kiss me, but I slammed the closet door in his face. I swallowed nervously, I was going to pay later.

I opened the door slowly to see Hydron in his royal attire looking at me.

"Hydron," I greeted and Hydron looks at me.

"You look tired, are you okay?" He asked me and I blinked at him.

His tone sounded friendly like we were fine. It wasn't overbearing and it was hard to believe.

"I'm fine, I didn't rest until late," I say choosing not to mention Spectra.

Hydron nodded his head unsure whether to believe me or not.

"I expect to see you in an hour. That should be plenty of time to eat breakfast and prepare yourself for the meeting," he informed me and I nodded my head.

"Of course," I say.

"Oh, and wear your royal attire, we need to match," Hydron stated.

I sulked and he added, "By any chance have you seen Spectra? I stopped by his quarters in Gamma earlier this morning, but he wasn't there. I checked with Gus and he was unsure as well which was odd."

I tensed at the mention of Spectra. Did Hydron know I was spending time with him? I hoped not.

"I haven't seen him at all," I lied and he nodded his head.

"Okay then, I'll see you in an hour then," he concluded and took a step towards me.

"What are you doing?" I demanded wanting to back up.

"There's cameras in this palace and my father could be watching. We need to act like we're still strong," Hydron told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine," I huffed and he nodded his head hugging me tightly.

"I'll see you there," he stated and I smiled pretending to be in awe of this boy.

Hydron leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek and grinned.

"I think he bought it," he said in a hushed voice.

"Was there even anyone watching?" I asked annoyed.

He shrugged at me and walked away smirking. I realized I was played and resisted the urge to whip something at him.

When he was gone, I closed the door and remembered Spectra was in the closet.

"You can come out," I muttered and Spectra stormed out of the closet and inspected me.

I could tell he was no flattered with that exchange.

"Calm down, I'm okay," I reassured him and he clenched his fist.

"He kissed what's mine," he seethed and I knew I had to calm him down.

I turned and faced him and place a hand on his cheek. He looked at me and he looked at me.

"How about you show me that I'm yours?" I offered and he blinked at me lost.

"We still got time," I said grinning widely.

He smiled at me and glanced at a nearby clock. We still had over half an hour until I had to go meet up with Hydron and Spectra had to retrieve his sister.

"Besides," I say, "I don't mind coming fashionably late."

When Spectra stood there, I just tilted my chin up to meet with his eyes. Spectra got the message and began to kiss my cheek starting where Hydron kissed me earlier. He didn't stop, he continued his passionate kiss to my lips and neck. I let out a moan of pleasure as he did so.

"You need to stop shoving me into unpleasant places," He murmured to me and I laughed.

"It's a habit and you don't seem to complain," I answer.

"Well this time I got to go in your closet. Where your drawers were," Spectra started and hinting at me.

I pushed him off me mad, "You didn't," I say referring to my drawers.

His face turned red and he looked away from me. That was all the confirmation I needed.

"I'm going to go get ready," I said curtly to him and changed.

When I finished, I nodded to him that I would see him soon and left him in my room to prepare himself. He just stood there at me unable to say anything.

As I walked to the throne room, all that was onmy mind was Spectra went through my drawers. He was going to pay dearly.

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