"Look Hydron, I know you care about me, but you need to let me have my freedom. I feel so cooped up in the palace. I need to be out and able to roam free. You've been so busy lately doing who knows what," I say hoping to turn the tables on him.

"I haven't been busy at all!" He yells at me and I make a face.

"Then why have you been avoiding me? Tell me that."

"It's what Lync's idea. He told me that if I avoided you, you would pay more attention to me. Obviously, it backfired greatly because you weren't even affected."

I snorted, "Since when did you listen to Lync?"

"Since I discovered that I was losing you," Hydron said and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

However, I felt nothing for him. I saw him as a good friend, but nothing more. My heart was with Spectra.

"You lost me completely the day you stripped me of my status in the Vexos," I told him coldly.

Hydron's face was in shock as I stepped out away from him.

"Give me freedom Hydron and maybe we can be friends again," I demanded and he let out a cruel laugh.

"My dear Grace, we are more than friends. We're fiancés. This is just a bump in the path," Hydron explained and I scoffed.

"It doesn't appear to be that way to me. I feel more like a slave being held here against my will. Being a Vexos was the one thing that made me happy. Now you took that away and I have nothing."

"You have me," he said quietly and I shook my head.

"No, I don't. We've known each other for years Hydron and I would hope you know me by now, but you don't. I barely even recognize you."

I brought him close to me and glared.

"Look, the only reason why I'm tolerating you right now is because of your father. I've seen what he can do and I don't wish to be on the receiving end. Until he is convinced, we're going to make it seem like everything is fine, but once that is over and done with, I'm done with you. We can be friends, but that is as far as I am going," I tell him strictly.

The prince was quiet and then nodded his head in defeat.

"Fine, but just to let you know, there is a meeting tomorrow with Spectra and Mira and I expect you to be there for it. I will come to your room tomorrow morning to remind you."

I nodded my head making no emotion. We had to play our cards right so we could escape the king's wrath.

Hydron nodded his head.

"Good. I'll see you then. Until then, I'll let you keep your gauntlet and grant you some freedom, but let me warn you once. I can take that power away as quickly as I give it."

I leveled my gaze and he sighed as he left to return to the Palace.

When I was sure he was gone, I pulled Spectra out of the rose bush. He glared and wince as he moved. Then I noticed all the thorns in him. I giggled and he looked at me.

"Next time shove me into a patch of softer flowers," he grimaced.

"Suck it up," I teased and grabbed his scratched hand.

I rubbed it tenderly and he relaxed slightly.

"Come on, we'll head to my room and nurse you back to health," I joked and I could've sworn I saw Spectra's face light up.

I rolled my eyes and we snuck back to my room in the palace. He took a seat on my bed and we began to pick thorns off of him and chucked the little bits into the trash.

"This doesn't hurt that much... Hey!" Spectra said as I plucked a deep thorn off his arm.

"You were saying," I teased lightly and tussled his hair with my hand.

I frowned, "You're going to have to take your shirt off so I can get some of these thorns off of you."

"Done," Spectra said and threw his shirt to the side.

I held my breath to stifle a noise. His back looked flawless except for a few lone thorns. I traced my finger down his spine feeling the perfection that was his skin. Along the way, I plucked the thorns and when I finished, I didn't tell him.

"You done checking me out sweetheart?" He asked me and I made a face at 'sweetheart'.

I wasn't big on nicknames. I smiled deviously, two could play at that game.

"If that's what you want Romeo. I could just go over to Hydron and-" I started, but never got to finish my sentence.

Spectra was on top of me in a split second and to be honest, I kind of liked it. His eyes though were flaming as he peered down at me.

"Don't even think about it," he said darkly and I smiled at him.

"You're pretty cute when you're jealous," I say too sweetly.

He snorts, "How about I go and spend the night with Mylene?"

Now it was my turn to laugh, "I don't think that Shadow would appreciate you making a move on his girl."

He chuckled, "I don't care, I'll do it anyway."

With that he got off me and started to head to the door. For that one second, I actually though he was being serious. I moved rapidly and used all my strength to pin him to the wall. He was stunned for a minute by my movement and I couldn't help but let my jealousy take over.

"Take that back," I say in a harsh voice.

Spectra looks at me innocently, "Take what back?"

I smirked, "You know what I mean."

"Not a clue, but you could show me-" Spectra offered and he never got the chance to finish his sentence because I slammed my lips to his with fiery passion. 

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