"What do you want with me?" She demanded and I just laughed and loaded a card into my gauntlet. I brought my arm out and a blue blade shot out. I grinned and she widened her eyes. Then she averted her eyes and I turned to see what she was looking at. The next thing I knew, I was shoved into a shelf and she ran out of the room.

I swore and got up. I dusted myself off and headed after her with my blade.

I managed to corner her with the hallways and she turned around frantically and faced me.

"Draw your sword," I ordered harshly and she looked at me confused.

"Why not a battle?" She asked slyly.

"Battling is not going to get me what I want," I told her coldly.

"Then you're a coward. Refusing a battle like this," she responded and she stared into my cold eyes through the mask.

Finally, she sighed, "I didn't want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice."

She loaded her gauntlet and held her blade towards me.

I let out a battle cry and started to swing. The clashing of the blades the energy released was intense. I gritted my teeth.

"I will free the bakugan and won't let you Vexos torment them any longer. They are living beings."

"Dream on brawler," I scoffed, "I'd like to see you try."

I kicked underneath her and she landed on her butt a few feet away from me. She rubbed her head and got back up. I raced towards her full of fury. This was revenge for what she did to Hydron and me long ago.

"You fight pathetic," I say yawning and stepped back as her sword sliced air.

"Funny, I could say the same to you," she responded bitterly.

I scowled and continued to swing and found myself backed against the wall. I laughed it off though. She wasn't going to expect this and when she does, I'll have the upper hand.

"This is for Grace," Mira said determined.

I smiled at her and didn't flinch as she brought the blade to my neck.

"Do you wish to know where your friend went?" I ask her calmly and she paused her attack and nodded her head.

"Tell me, I need to know," she replied and I grinned.

"Be careful what you wish for," I warn smirking, "We found her out on her own. She was no match for us and was tortured and disposed of."

Mira gasped in horror

"T-T-That can't be true," she said with a shaky voice.

I smile at her distress, "Let her fate serve as an example of what happens to those who resist."

Mira's P.O.V

I stumbled back astonished. It couldn't be. Grace could not be dead. She had to be lying.

"You're lying," I say hoping she was indeed bluffing.

She pulled a necklace from her pocket and my eyes widened. It was Grace's locket.

"The prince gave this to me after discovering her little betrayal. It was a gift."

"Give that back," I said.

Anything that tied me to Grace, I could not afford to lose it. Especially if she was dead.

Storm just made a face at me, "But, I just love it too much. The pain associated with this locket of its previous owner. The only thing I feel bad about is not being the one who ended up taking her out for good. I heard she had a such a brawling spirit and her cries of pain were music to my ears."

"The Prince loved Grace," Mira pointed out, "He would never have her killed. They loved each other."

"You didn't know either them as well as you thought you knew," Storm says briefly, "As soon as the pathetic brawler turned her back to the crown, she was as good as dead to him. That gave me the chance to move in. I was able to mend the prince's broken heart making him stronger than ever before."

"You monsters," I accused.

I will avenge you, Grace, I vowed silently.

My body got picked up by guards and I struggled in their grip.

"It's pointless Mira, just give up. You've lost," Storm threatened, "The guards are rounding up the rest of your resistance and you will all suffer the same fates."

She cackled and the guards led the way to where Dan and Baron had been captured.

I was thrown to the ground and Dan exclaimed, "Mira, are you alright?"

I looked up to see Storm grinning at me darkly. She was expecting me to say no and show weakness. I couldn't let her think that.

"I'm fine Dan, nothing to worry about."

"You three make me puke. Pretending to be our biggest 'fans' to sneak around the city on your little 'trip'."

Storm retracted her sword card and placed it in the pocket of her jacket.

"Well, have fun in the dungeons," She wished and laughed darkly, "Though, that would be letting you off easy."

"Why don't you confess who you really are you traitors," a guard said sternly and held his weapon out to us.

Storm brought her hand towards the guard and brought it down.

"But Storm-" the guard sputtered out and she glared at him through the mask.

"Must we resort to violence here? There is a stadium filled with civilians. They do not need to know what is occurring here. Do I need to make myself any clearer? Or do I need to get his royal highness to come and show you where your place is?"

The guards instantly backed down and I was shocked.

Her voice was full of authority and I scoffed, no wonder she reacted like she did when I brought up the prince. I needed to find out if something was happening between the two.

"Where's your prince Storm? He too scared to face us?" I mocked and her face turned red.

"Mira, are you sure you should be antagonizing her when she has us like this?" Dan whispered unsure.

I was shocked, Dan was usually blunt, but he was quiet.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," I reassured them and continued.

"I bet the two of you are in paradise running this place. Where's your king? Does he know what a horrible job the two of you are doing running the place?"

I noticed Storm clenching her fists enraged, "Shut up and if I were you I would keep your insensitive remarks to yourself."

"Do my words hurt too much? Funny, for Storm Brooke, I thought you'd be more blunt and ruthless. Sounds like a lie," I finished and she held a blade to my throat.

She got close to my face and hissed, "You're lucky that Spectra wants you alive."

Storm then stood and turned her back to us on the ground.

"Watch them carefully until I return with Spectra and Gus. Under any circumstances are you not allowed to let them escape. Got it?"

The guards nodded their heads at Storm as she winked at us.

"Well, I'd love to stay here and chat with you, but I have better things to do," Storm smirked and walked off to join the rest of the Vexos.

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