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"Minnie?" Seungmin looks up just to meet the beautiful eyes of hhis boyfriend. "Yes hyung?" A sudden dreamy look grows on the older face and he starts to gently stroke the youngers hair. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" "You mean because of Felix? Yeah sure, he is a very good friend of mine. Or do you mean because of 3RACHA? Well I love them a lot and I trust Felix' judgement when he says that they're good persons. " He says after thinking a bit. "Why do you ask?" Hyunjin quickly places a kiss on Seungmins forehead. "Because I want you to have an amazing day baby. I want you to have fun and enjoy your time."

Seungmin starts to smile widely at those words "You're always so thoughtful. I love you." "I love you too my perfect little puppy." His voice is soft. Softer than everything else, because he knows how much the younger loves soft voices and because he would do anything for the boy in his arms. And because Seungmin is so adorable, how can someone not be soft for him?

A little blush creeps on the puppy like boys cheeks and his smile grows even wieder if this is even possible. Hyunjin returns this smile with a rather sad smile. "Are you sure you want me to tag along tomorrow?" "Yes! Of course! Why wouldn't I?!" Hyunjin just sighs. "There's this thing I haven't told you yet but I defintelly need to if we're going to meet the boys."

Having awoken the youngers interest he sits up on Hyunjins lap and looks him in the eyes. "Tell me." It's not a request, it's a demand. Even though Seungmin is a softie when he wants to know something he will get intimidating to reach this goal. And the older knows it. "Alright, in fact I know each 3RACHA member personally." Seungmins eyes widen shooked but he calms quickly down. "Isn't it even bretter then?" Hyunjin just shokes his head. "Changbin... and I were a couple." Seungminn chokes on his spit. "You were a what?!" "I'm sorry Minnie, I should've told you." A wave of guilt washes over him and he looks down. "I just thought that it would stay in my past because I only want you, my present." Seungmin blushes a bit and cuddles on the older side.

"You don't have to apologize for anything hyung, you don't know my ex as well so why would I expect to know yours?" They just smiles at each other until Hyunjin decides to pepper his face with little kisses making the younger giggle. "Stop it Hyunjinnie!" But the older just shakes his head and continues.

After a while both of them are calmed down and are just cuddling in peace by now. "I have a question though..." "Sure what is it Minnie?" Seungmin sighs suddenly unsure if it is a good idea to ask the older. "It's about you and Changbin hyung." He states carefully. "Oh... okay, sure go ahead." He smiles his beautiful Hyunjin-smile and this smile is reserved for Seungmin. No one else is alowed to see it and that makes it just so much more precious. "Why did you break up?"


"M- me? You broke with Changbin hyung up because of me?!" Seungmin questions confused. "Of course Minnie. The moment I met you I fell in love with you and I soon noticed that my feelings for you are stronger than for hyung. So I talked to him and explained my situation and he asked me if I want to continue this relationship and first I didn't want to throw away the thing we had but it was worth it. I love you so much and I hope you could stop question yourself someday. I know you worry if you are enough for me but you don't have to be enough because you are more than perfect for me." During Hyunjins speech the younger hides his face on the olders chest so that he wouldn't see the blushing mess he is.

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