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Felix looks at the airport in front of him. In three hours he will sit in one of those planes on his way to Korea. A country which language he doesn't speak too well, a country his brothwe and all of his friends live in. A country where he would be different with his bright colored hair and the freckles. Yeah his freckles aresuch a thing. He gets complimented for them a lot, they say he looks cute with them. But then on the other hand there are those insecurities. But he decides that they wouldn't concern him for now. For now he is Lee Felix who is confident, confident enough to fly alone, to meet his brother again, to meet three of his world famous friends and his crus- nope, he is defintelly not ready. Or confident. He is scared.

After he succesfully checked in he sits down in this huge hall. So many people... He chuckles when he thinks about his friend Jisung who would panic now. At the thought of his non biological twin he puts his earphones in and starts to play a song by 3RACHA. Changbins low voice sooths his fear, sets his mind on ease. The familiar sound of Chans voice - especially when he raps in English - makes him feel hugged, just like he always would do when they were kids. Yes, even after those eight years Felix still remembers how the olders hugs feel like. The ability of Jisung to sound like four different persons in just one song amazes him everytime. The lively squirrel is like a different person when he raps, he clearly isn't the Jisung who invited Minho over to their first date because he fears crowded areas. This isn't the Jisung that would blush every time Minho would flirt with him. That isn't the Jisung who jumped around happily whe Felix told him that they are nonbiological twins. This is J.One.

Finally after this waiting period that felt like years to the young Australian the boarding begins and so does the anxiety in his chest. He's going to be fine, isn't he? In around ten hours he'll be there. In the embrace of two of the persons he misses the most. And he's going to meet six techincally strangers - even though he considers each of them his best friend. Well, let's say five of them. He hopes to fly home with a seven brothers and a boyfriend.

Maybe it would be like in those fanfictions and next to him would sit a member of Day6 or Got7. Even though he wouldn't admit it he activly searchs for one of the twelve in his plane - with less succes than more. He also isn't talking to the stranger next to him who defintelly looks Korean and he neither wants to blamage himself nor talk to anyone in first place.

And then, finally, his plane is landing. Finally he exists the plane and wents straight - okay gayforward to those places where you can save your luggage from getting eaten by those monsters with black holes as a mouth.

Actually I got a bit confused because some websites said that the flight from Sydney to Seoul takes 10 hours and some said 20 so-
Also the end was probably cringy but I am too lazy to change it now.

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