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With a nervous grin on his face Jisung runs through the 3RACHA dorm, he would meet the flirty boy in just  a bit. If he's honest he is a little bit worried how the date will go. Sure they called it a meet up but for Jisung it feels like a date. He wonders if Minho was honest when he said that he'll give him hugs, cuddles and kisses but he decides to trust the older.

Thinking of the devil, he gets a call by him. "Hi hyung." He says mentally scolding himself to stay calm to all costs. "Hey Sungie. I called you to ask where and at what time exactly I should pick you up." Jisung internally smiles at the sweet boy. "How about 3pm at the park near the JYP building?" "I'll be there sweetheart." A smile starts to grow on the younger boys face. "Then... see yo there?" Minho agrees immediatly. "Yes. Don't worry I won't just ditch you like this." How the hell does this boy always know about Jisungs concernds?!

The two boys continues to talk for a while and Jisung seems to calm down during it. The older wasn't a bad guy, nothing would happen. But what if he starts to panic? What if his anxiety starts to control him and he can't do anything? The smile frowns on his face. "Hyung, maybe this isn't a good idea..." He says silently so that Minho has troubles to understand him. "Huh? Why do you think so?" In his voice lays a bit condern but also a bit disappointment and maybe even pain. He really wants to meet the guy he just starts to catch feelings for. "I... I can't tell you." Jisung just wants to get a hug and comfort so he sneaks into Chans room who's currently - more like constantly - woeking on something. Scared as he is the youngest just jumps in his lap and curls himself into a small ball on said. Despite not being able to react earlier he looks confused at the squirrel like boy. "What's wrong Sungie?" He asks in a soft voice. Sure both he and Changbin are quite clingy but when Jisung acts like this there is a reason. After a minute of silence Minhos voice sounds through the phone. "Hello?" With a knowing smile and a nod of Jisung Chan takes the youngers phone and answers. "Hey Minho. This is Chan." Minho's confused for a second, what's going on? "Chan hyung, can you tell me what happened?" "Well that's rather your job, don't you think? What did you do to make Sungie this scared?" He continues to pet the youngers head while talking to the non-3RACHA member. "I don't reall know. He said that it would probably be better to not meet up and when I asked why he said he can't tell me." Minho explains, poor boy is extremely confused. Chan nods. "I expected something like this, to be honest. How about you come to our dorm instead of meeting wherever you planned." "I'm okay with that as well. I just want to show him that he really means a lot to me." "I know that, don't worry. I'll send you the adress over, for a fact I know that Sungie just wants to meet you as badly as you want to meet him." After sending the adress to Minho - both staying on the phone- the youngre says "I can be there in twenty, is this alright?" Chan looks at Jisung, asking him for permission. As the boy nods the oldest tells Minho that it is alright. "See you in twenty then."

Who's excited for the Minsung date?
I totally am since I haven't written it yet but I know what's going to happen anyways and I look forward to write it!!

Also I uploaded the first chapter of this story exactly a month ago!!

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